I'll try to rewrite the plugin tomorrow. But at first, I've to fix the CoDx18 detection Bug
Beiträge von Mirko911
yep, I think I can do that.
Do you have a CoD6 Server to test it?
afaik this plugin was used to enforce bans on cod6 servers because they don't have a built-in ban function, right?
yep, both seems to be broken.
Dennis that is your part
can you send me the output of rcon status?
is legacymode enabled?
I applied a patch on my local test server.
When I'm back at home, I'll commit it into our versioning system, and then we can release a Bugfix Version
ok, I think I know the problem.
We check a specific dvar _CoD4 X Creator Ninjaman, TheKelm @ http://iceops.in which doesn't exist in CoD4x1.8
IDK why we used this one instead of version.
I just checked the version dvar for different server versions and it seems possible to use the versionto check if it's a CoD4X Version or not
CoD4x1.8 or CoD4x1.7?
if ($this->config->get('teamspeak3', 'enabled')) { try { $this->registry->teamspeak3 = new TeamSpeak3($this->config->get('teamspeak3', 'username'), $this->config->get('teamspeak3', 'password'), $this->config->get('teamspeak3', 'ip'), $this->config->get('teamspeak3', 'serverqueryport'), $this->config->get('teamspeak3', 'voiceport')); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logging->warning('TeamSpeak3 initialization failed'); } }
yes and no. We etablish the connection on startup. When all is ok, then $this->registry->teamspeak is defined.
If not, then it's not defined.
We've to add an extra check in the reports plugin to check if there is a connection
There should be a warning in the log file that Teamspeak initialization failed (under the config loading part)
you can create as many .json files in the config/plugins folder as you want.
In general every plugin should have one in the plugins folder, but you can have 1000 files there if you want.
It's also possible to merge everything into a single basics.json.
In our clan we've a small basics json which contains just ip, port, rcon, database prefix
and a config/plugins/globalconfig.json which contains the redundant stuff
that is why i hate we have that much servers
create a global config and hardlink them
afaik cod4 1.8x servers have a problem with the loopback device in windows.
If you route your LAN IP (192.168.xxx.xxx) over the gateway it will work
you could try to use your LAN IP as IP for the basics.json. Sometimes this work.
Also please check if you really have set the rcon_password dvar by typing rcon_status in the server console
is the rcon password correct?
ps: Dennis: ich meinte oben die killmessages
meinst du damit Multikills? Also wenn ich in 3 Sek 5 Leute töte, dass dann die Nachricht "<PLAYERNAME> Multikill" kommt?
Wenn ja, dürfte man deine Einstellungen erfahren? -
the Internet says, that s.th is wrong with the path to your PHP.exe
The most people with this erros just want to write php <FILE> to execute a PHP file. If they want to do that, they have to add the php.exe to the PATH Variable in Windows.The problem here is, that you shouldn't get this error when you write the absolute path in the cfg.
Do you may have defined PHP as PATH Variable in Windows? If yes, then try to replace "C:/PHP/php.exe" with just "php" -
can you open the gsm.sh and change line 21 from
and then send me the gsm log via private message.
Edit: please append the log as attachment -
the problem is that the bugs are related to a missing ip. I'll check this asap