games_mp.log you mean.. Noob Patty
Beiträge von Zlazh7
Give us more info? Specs, mod.log etc etc
Why would you want to ban yourself if you know it works? but the internal ip is logged in ips.log.
Like 192.168.1.x -
Maybe only your local ip gets registered. Like or 192.168.1.x not your external if that's what your trying otherwise do the opposite.
Really low time between them. But what does your mod.log say?
upload the mod.log
look your aliases.
upload the mod.log
and give more info about your computer ex: versions and os -
Either get good with php or wait.
Sorry... Doublepost. But can you code in protected functions or tell me how to do it?
Good. then i will have fun.
I'm pretty new to php in general including sqlite3 but i will do it. Thank you
It worked. -
I got this problem when i try to use !banip (player) ive configured the banip.php but not at that area.
Code1:06 [14.03.13 15:11:24] PHP-Error: Warning in :\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2\main\adminmod #1 iSnipe Nukey\plugins\banip.php:262 => SQLite3::prepare(): Unable to prepare statement: 11, database disk image is malformed [14-Mar-2013 15:11:24 Europe/Berlin] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function bindValue() on a non-object in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2\main\adminmod #1 iSnipe Nukey\plugins\banip.php on line 268
Lorenz: Just stay on 1 warnstokick.
The other you probably want to upload your mod.log so the developers can take a look.
And Ingre make your own thread... -
What the name of it? I can't seem to find it.
set sv_log_damage = 1 in server.cfg... and logsync
Where can you acess this database?
Or can you even do it? -
Go into the php map and look for php.ini (if it dosent exist reame php.ini-development to php.ini)
In php.ini search for dynamic extensions.
;extension=php_sqlite3.dll and remove ;
do the same thing for:
Then you need will have to:
Change display_errors = off to display_errors = on
then change extension_dir to extension_dir = "C:\php\ext" (if you installed it on another place use that 'adress' instead.)
done.Have i missed something?
Then the developers have to take over...
Yenz? -
You can really just use !pl and the pid and if you really dont want them to see remove the !me command from groups... But:
Here is the code for it it mod.class.php:
//Command Aliases
if ($this->existsCV("aliases", strtolower($parameters[0]))) {
$msg = substr($msg, strlen($parameters[0]));
$msg = $this->getCV("aliases", strtolower($parameters[0])) . $msg;
$parameters = explode(" ", $msg);
Ohh sorry to bother you i didnt do a php.ini after i installed latest php
Make another log file?
That could help.