Beiträge von CaptainDanger
if you want a finalkillcam like on our servers, you have to edit the promod script files.
Yeah I am talking about finalkillcam. How to edit promod script and what to add in there? Any details please! Thank you!
Any help on slowmotion killcam for LAST kill?
How do I use the slow motion killcam in my promod server?
How do I set !time to GMT +5?
Can the !killserver time be increased somehow?
How do I remove admin, clan member in the game?
As with every other command you have to add "rules" in config/groups.cfg for every group!
example for default:
Code[default] name = "Player" commands = "rules,vote,yes,no,forgive,tki,stats,fun,help,admintest,time,nextmap,uptime,status,info,me,ff,cmdlist,session,serverstats,resetmystats,skip,vmap"
Do this for every group.Thanks alot! :smile:
When I type !rules It works. But for other players it doesn't? Those who are default players!
There is a "Rules Plugin" which automatically shows up the rules for a new player (after he joins) via PMs. Furthermore it offers a !rules command.
@g_logsync: This error message is self explaining. g_logsync (your server dvar) must be >= 1.
There is a "Rules Plugin" which automatically shows up the rules for a new player (after he joins) via PMs. Furthermore it offers a !rules command.@g_logsync: This error message is self explaining. g_logsync (your server dvar) must be >= 1.
How to use Rules Plugin? I have no idea.
Why you wanna show the rules with a fun command? Just use the rules-plugin thats the easiest way.
Can you please explain??
I have another problem now. It worked fine and today its giving me this error ? : Error: Dvar 'g_logsync' must be greater or equal to 1, current: 0.
Do disable the bannermessages you have to change
i dont know if this is what you mean.
The problem with not being admin looks like you have not edit your admins.cfg
Go to your server type !me in the console and write down your guid. Than go to your admins.cfg and changeto
hope this was helpful.
than restart the MAMThanks man!
That banner messages issue still isn't resolved. I want those messages to appear once per game or stop repeating them. Like once per round in Search & Destroy! Can't I set it to something like that?
And to make other admins, I have to do the same for other players right? Their GUID and name? -
Thanks! It solved that issue!
Now can you please tell me how to stop those messages by console? I have set the time to 5 seconds. And it keeps repeating!!! And one more thing, even though I create the server. But I am not its admin
Don't know why! What am I doing wrong here?
Wrong logfile?
I have no idea. These messages keep coming and no chat commands work until they stop! One more thing? How to set up timing for those banner texts in plugins?
Have a look at it :
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Ok, so I made a server. After 5 mints or so it kicks me including other players.
Why is that? And when I start it, console shows those random msgs before it welcomes me and other players!!!
Which system you have? Linux or Windows?
I need to know how to edit manu admin mod. I want one for my CLAN. Want to have those random messages that appear from time to time to players who are in the server. A detailed tutorial will be much appreciated. Also how to make it run?
Waiting for the replies!
Thanks in advance!