I found the solution Thank you all
And btw my old server.cfg is not in such a gud condition. So can any1 just please upload their server.cfg and giv it to me ?
I found the solution Thank you all
And btw my old server.cfg is not in such a gud condition. So can any1 just please upload their server.cfg and giv it to me ?
Hey there !
I had set up manu admin mod quite a few months ago and today i checked it today and found it really bugging. All actions and commands are either delayed or dont appear at all ! Like suppose i do !kick 5 Wall Hack , the Kick takes place after 5-6 minutes and so ... When a member enters , it takes 4-5 minutes to respond and send the welcome banner . The .bat file shows perfect result. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: Please help me Im gonna really band my head to the PC like this :angry: