why the most attachment files are gone???
and there is no link or existe link is dead.
why the most attachment files are gone???
and there is no link or existe link is dead.
Why GENERATOR not work correctly i can't create any config export ?!
key not work at all :sad:
the old generator is better than new GENERATOR why you removed that?!
i think for now there is a new way for that and its 4D1(iw5m).
so when the mam can support the mw3?!!
By release this tools i think its time the mam support the mw3 ....
:clickme: http://www.itsmods.com/forum/Thread-R…rver-addon.html
pleas @Admins we wait for nice job .
Is it possible the manuadminmod support the mw3 dedicated servers??
any idea ? any future plan?!
Alles anzeigen$mysqlhost="localhost";
$con = @mysql_pconnect($mysqlhost, $mysqluser, $mysqlpasswd);
if(!$con) {
echo "Mysql error: " . mysql_error();
$mod->registerEvent("playerJoined", "registered_main");
$mod->setDefaultCV("registered", "enabled", 1);
$mod->setDefaultCV("registered", "kickreason", "->boro baba<-"); //add KICK Reason here or make an config file
function registered_main($guid) {
global $mod, $players;if($mod->getCV("registered", "enabled") == 0) {
}$mysqlt = "table"; ///Your table////
$abfrage = "SELECT * FROM `$mysqlt`";
$ergebnis = mysql_query($abfrage);
$tb = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($ergebnis))
$tb[] = $row->land;
if (!in_array($guid, $tb)) {
$players[$guid]->kick($mod->getCV("registered", "kickreason"));
Its work perfectly .lol
so for new user i must re lunch the MOM. if the updater can be for it itswill be very perfect.
so i edit the cod so plugin successfully connected to database but It seems the plugin cannot read the player GUIDes form data base because all of players kicked from server after connected to game?!!!
so pleas help to correctly edit his plugin!!
and :
the plugin i edit that:
mysql_connect($mysqlhost, $mysqluser, $mysqlpasswd) OR
die("Could not connect to the database.<br /> Error Message: <b>".mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($mysqldbname) OR
die("The database could not be used.<br /> Error Message: <b>".mysql_error());
$mod->registerEvent("playerJoined", "registered_main");
$mod->setDefaultCV("registered", "enabled", 1);
$mod->setDefaultCV("registered", "kickreason", "->boro baba<-"); //add KICK Reason here or make an config file
$sql = "ALTER TABLE `dle_users` ADD INDEX(`land`)"; // path to your file, place it in your configfolder into folder plugins
$sql = array();
function registered_main($guid) {
global $mod, $players,$sql;
if($mod->getCV("registered", "enabled") == 0) {
if (!in_array($guid, $sql)) {
$players[$guid]->kick($mod->getCV("registered", "kickreason"));
Alles anzeigen
from this cod ( original that i given from this site) :
$mod->registerEvent("playerJoined", "registered_main");
$mod->setDefaultCV("registered", "enabled", 1);
$mod->setDefaultCV("registered", "kickreason", "->boro baba<-"); //add KICK Reason here or make an config file
$file = $configdir . "/whitelist.lst"; // path to your file, place it in your configfolder into folder plugins
$results = explode(",", file_get_contents($file));
$whitelist = array();
foreach($results as $result) {
$whitelist[] = trim($result);
function registered_main($guid) {
global $mod, $players,$whitelist;
if($mod->getCV("registered", "enabled") == 0) {
if (!in_array($guid, $whitelist)) {
$players[$guid]->kick($mod->getCV("registered", "kickreason"));
Alles anzeigen
and its a picture from my sql page:
so i hop u help me
SO my programing is in basic and really i don't know how can i do this!!
if u can help pleas do this ... i need this plugin so pleas do this if possible (i need a best and complete plugin about this so its not possible for me to do this because i am really NOOB about this ) ,its be very nice .
sorry for my bad English
Can you help me?!!! its great if you can!! lol
so i want a plugin (for mw2) that connect to my website database and only allow the players that register on my website able to connect to the game (or allow that players can play game after connect ) so if he or she is not register on website shown a warn to him after kick from the game(or before he connected to the game show warn such as this error that shown on high ping and don't allow players to connect to the game [ server for low ping and your ping is too high ,,, LOL ] ) its will be nice if be possible ???
AND FOR MORE REASON: if possible this plugin check the LSPXUID or GUID of players because its can not be changeable and it is fixed for any pc (Of course for non hackers ) so i write-in the LSPXUID or GUID in my website database....
is it possible??
sorry for my bad English.
well don. its perfect but i have a problem with unban?!!
so when i want to unban the baned user its not worked (( all of unban commends does not work: !unban !pbunban !pbclearbans !pbbanlist)...
and i have to clear quids in bans.log files in every times to unban players!!! :lol:
Was hast du für eine Fehlermeldung? Verstehe nicht ganz....
Hast du das auch so installiert?
Dieses Plugin PUDDI.dll in den Ordner Plugin eingefügt?
Steam kicking 'Rabbit' <11000014ed0d945> for reason: 4
I download it so are your enable punk-buster in config ( server.cfg of game AND config.cfg of MOM)...?????
its great and thanks for answering... but i want to show last 6 characters !!how can i do this?!!
i use this and its very nice but i have a problem with GUID because its shown only first character 011000 so how can i fix it??????
like this:
plz help ,someone, admin plz helppppp ,,,,,any idea to fix this problem ?? :groesste:
if possible type English !! thanks
i use this and its very nice but i have a problem with GUID because its shown only first character 011000 so how can i fix it??????
like this:
and other unnecessary question: how can i colored the title so i use the body tag ( <BODY text="yellow"> ) but all of text is changed coolers..?
For first i want to SAY my very special thanks abaUt manuadmin mod..
So i think the amnuadmin is very good monitoring and game manager but its have some bugs and if this problems resolved
i thinks it s be very good than an other...
so TCP-admin don't have some thing in players tab such as
It is good be if it has mode loader in-game such as game type....
( i mean OK we have some mods in mods folder so admin can be load mods by commend such as !mod isnipe...or something)
its be very nice if TCP-admin have mobile version for more monitoring game server in any where...
its be very useful if can be showed the result to player after punished (means when he kicked or banned or when he want to connect to the game) so its only showed to in-game players ,but only .. kicked ... showed to punished players!!
the result that show when in-game is not useful because the main player is punished can not see the result after punish!!!
when mode loaded in-game commend dos not work so must be restart server for resolve problem.
and som gametype such as dd dos not work correctly when game type changed because when typing !gametype dd its changed to dm.
sorry for may bad spell.
hi i use manuadmin mod 14 for mw2 but the randommapcycle and weaponrestrictions dose not work for me?!!
in randommapcycle the next map was showed on screen but its not changed the map???!!!