Guys, what if we with Raiden would make russian lng for this site? Maybe someone can't understand eng or de and can't setup gsm because of it?
Beiträge von Loontick
Else one fix i've done today:
In IW4X they changed some words in .log file.
So i've changed them in getAction().
New array:$actions = array(
"damage" => "D;",
"kill" => "K;",
"join" => "J;",
"quit" => "Q;",
"say" => "say;",
"sayteam" => "sayteam;",
"weapon" => "Weapon;",
"nextmap" => "InitGame",
"exitmap" => "ShutdownGame:",
"mapend" => "ExitLevel: executed",
"vehicledamage" => "VD;",
"actordamage" => "AD;",
"jointeam" => "JT;",
"tie" => "T;",
"win" => "W;",
"loss" => "L;",
"flagcaptured" => "FC;",
"flagtaken" => "FT;",
"flagreturned" => "FR;",
"hqcaptures" => "RC;",
"hqdestroyed" => "RD;",
"bombplanted" => "BP;",
"bombdefused" => "BD;",
"action" => "A;"
But there's a problem with .log file:
In IW4 was
InitGame: \_Admin\Loontick\_Location\RU\fs_game\mods/isnipe\g_gametype\sd\g_hardcore\1\gamename\IW4\mapname\mp_trailerpark\protocol\61586\scr_game_allowkillcam\1\scr_team_fftype\0\se_remoteKick\1\se_secure\1\shortversion\1.0\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_allowClientConsole\1\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_hostname\^3Quick ^4Scope\sv_maxclients\16\sv_maxPing\0\sv_maxRate\10000\sv_minPing\0\sv_online\1\sv_privateClients\0\sv_privateClientsForClients\0\sv_pure\0And mod could take all these parameters,
Now in .log file there's only:
Without any parametrs.
What to do? -
Sorry guys, yesterday i had a bad day, of course i'm gonna give you new method getResponse().
What was the problem?
In IW4 server's response has format:print \n "g_GameType" is: "war^7" default: "war^7" \n Domain is any text
In getResponse() mod just takes substring from first \n to end of the string. ( "g_GameType" is: "war^7" default: "war^7" \n Domain is any text) and returns it, after that rconGetDvar() makes array from this string (0 => "g_GameType" is: "war^7" default: "war^7" 1 => Domain is any text), after that it returns value of dvar with regex.
In IW4X server's response has format:print "g_GameType" is: "war^7" default: "war^7" \n Domain is any text, after that getResponse() takes substring and returns only Domain is any text, because server's response doesn't have first \n.
So what did i do?It's default:
$s .= substr($read, strpos(&read, "\n") + 1);
It's mine one:
I replaced print to print\n.$s .= substr($read, strpos(str_replace("print" , "print\n" , $read), "\n") + 1);
you don't help anyone if you delete all your messages ...
I wanted to get help. I thought that if you're developer of this mod, it will be easy for you to fix a little problem. But i tried hard to understand, so i don't want someone to know. If anyone wants to get my fix, just ask me in pm, i'll sale it for a very little price.
If you want everyone to know, what mess you to fix it by yourself and then post? -
I solved my problem. getResponse() method is shit, i changed it.
Yep, because you didn't update the logfile path to the mods one. Common user mistake.
To the rest i can't say anything, devs need to look at that. Mirko911
Thank your very much for that tip! Now i can run my admin mod with isnipe
So that's what i was talking about.
About sv_punkbuster, GSM always says that's sv_punkbuster == 1, even if i do sv_punkbuster 1 command in console.
So i did this: -
You specifically detailing since ManuAdminMod and GSManager is fundamentally different add-ons, but on iw4x MAM does not work, but GSM 1.2.1 copes, although perhaps there are still some nuances ...
Man, i tried to run MAM on iw4x and it works with problems i've written above, after that i tried to run GSM 1.2.1 and it works too with the same problems.
So, hello everyone, i've been using Manu Admin Mod/GSManager for a long time.
I used it on my React MW2 Server (cod6).
But React developers have updated smth and now GSManager does Not work for 100%
For first, it can't get Dvars anymore (for example, when it tries to get g_gametype or sv_punkbuster it gets nothing or ""), but it can set Dvars.
When i try to type "!map set mapName" without gametype it says: Map has been set to mapName(), when it try to type "!map set mapName gameType", it says : Map has been set to mapName(gameType).
If i don't change map it can randomly say Next map is unknown(unknown).
That was the first problem.
For second, if i run my server with some mod (for example, isnipe), GSManager doesn't work, it doesn't do welcome messages and doesn't see commands, it only do banner messages. -