ok, but why with some players (with guid 0) plugins work perfectly?
Beiträge von sttte93
If can help:
Same cracked server,
A gsm log about 10 sec ago.
[01.03.17 16:10:26] Info: Player 'teko ^9since ^72006^6'' changed name to 'SharkVanDoom', PID: 7, GUID: 0[01.03.17 16:10:26] Info: Player 'SharkVanDoom's PID was changed from 7 to 17, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:10:27] Info: Player '^^55SSJBlue' quit, PID: 10, GUID: 744649
[01.03.17 16:10:28] Info: Player 'SharkVanDoom' changed name to 'markocpt^61^3234', PID: 17, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:10:28] Info: Player 'markocpt^61^3234's PID was changed from 17 to 4, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:10:33] Info: Player "^^55SSJBlue" (GUID: 744649, IP:, PID: 10) joined.
[01.03.17 16:10:35] Info: Player 'markocpt^61^3234' changed name to '^8>^2**DFC^7-POWERFUL-^156**^8<', PID: 4, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:10:35] Info: Player '^8>^2**DFC^7-POWERFUL-^156**^8<'s PID was changed from 4 to 0, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:10:37] Info: Player '^8>^2**DFC^7-POWERFUL-^156**^8<' changed name to 'SharkVanDoom', PID: 0, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:10:37] Info: Player 'SharkVanDoom's PID was changed from 0 to 17, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:10:37] Info: Player 'SharkVanDoom' changed name to 'NICARAGUARUSIA', PID: 17, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:10:37] Info: Player 'NICARAGUARUSIA's PID was changed from 17 to 5, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:10:41] Info: Player 'NICARAGUARUSIA' changed name to 'SharkVanDoom', PID: 5, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:10:41] Info: Player 'SharkVanDoom's PID was changed from 5 to 17, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:10:44] Warning: User Warning in :\GSM\daemon\core\utils.php:227 => Function "ActionCoD2" does not exist in ActionHandler
[01.03.17 16:10:47] Info: Player '^1M^7e^1h^7m^1e^7t^1c^7i^1k' changed name to 'Mehmetcik', PID: 28, GUID: 801887
[01.03.17 16:11:03] Info: Player 'SharkVanDoom' changed name to 'SGT.Projtas', PID: 17, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:11:03] Info: Player 'SGT.Projtas's PID was changed from 17 to 11, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:11:03] Info: Player 'SGT.Projtas' changed name to 'SharkVanDoom', PID: 11, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:11:03] Info: Player 'SharkVanDoom's PID was changed from 11 to 17, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:11:03] Warning: RESULT (w,l,t) by player '^8>^2**DFC^7-POWERFUL-^156**^8<' who is actually not on the server: PID: allies, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 16:11:03] Warning: RESULT (w,l,t) by player '^9S^2t^7T^1t^9E^5�^6GuRu^3�' who is actually not on the server: PID: axis, GUID: 710464 -
Testing Killmessages :
GSM LogFile:
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: =========================
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: GSManager (Version 1.2.1)
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: =========================
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: basics.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/antiteamkill.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/automessages.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/balancer.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/censor.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/customcommands.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/funmessages.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/highticket.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/killmessages.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/mapcycle.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/mapsettings.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/nameprotection.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/nuke.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/pingchecker.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/randommapcycle.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/reports.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/reservedslots.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/rules.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/skillscrambler.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/statistics.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/streakmessages.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/votings.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/weaponrestrictions.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: plugins/welcomemessages.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: users.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: groups.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: reasons.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: Config loaded: aliases.json
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: All config files were parsed
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: GeoIP: Database C:\GSM\daemon\libraries\geoip\GeoLite2-Country.mmdb successfully opened
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: GeoIP: Initialization finished
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: API successfully initialized.
[01.03.17 13:36:39] Info: RCON command executed: 'version'
[01.03.17 13:36:40] Notice: RCON connection established (
[01.03.17 13:36:40] Notice: Game detected: Call of Duty 2
[01.03.17 13:36:41] Notice: Dvar check successful
[01.03.17 13:36:41] Warning: Punishment kill does not exist. Skipping.
[01.03.17 13:36:41] Warning: Can't register subcommand quit -> srv. The parent command doesn't exist
[01.03.17 13:36:43] Info: Set Dvar _gsmanager to '1.2.1'
[01.03.17 13:37:06] Info: Synced playerlist with 'status' (5 players online)
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Info: Updated Dvar g_gametype
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Info: == Loading plugins and commands ==
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Automatic Messages' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Censor' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Custom Commands' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Fun Messages' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Kill Messages' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Map Settings' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Name Protection' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Ping Checker' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Random MapCycle' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Reports' (v1.0.0) by Yenz
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Rules' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Statistics' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Streak Messages' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Votings' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Weapon Restrictions' (v1.0.0) by Master of Little
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Welcome Messages' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Info: == Finished loading plugins (16 plugins) ==
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Info: !! Finished initialisation
[01.03.17 13:37:07] Info: === Start processing loglines... ===
[01.03.17 13:37:10] Info: Successfully connected to FTP server: '' as '1702072'
[01.03.17 13:37:12] Notice: Cannot connect to GSManager Master Server at 'http://gsmanager.de/report.php' => Skip reporting!
[01.03.17 13:37:12] Info: Player 'Sukaaaaaaa' changed name to 'memo', PID: 29, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:37:12] Info: Player 'memo's PID was changed from 29 to 19, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:37:12] Info: Player 'memo' changed name to '^1''baD^1''', PID: 19, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:37:12] Info: Player '^1''baD^1'''s PID was changed from 19 to 3, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:37:12] Info: Player '^1''baD^1''' changed name to 'K@R@', PID: 3, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:37:12] Info: Player 'K@R@'s PID was changed from 3 to 21, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:37:15] Info: Player 'K@R@' changed name to 'markocpt^61^3234', PID: 21, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:37:15] Info: Player 'markocpt^61^3234's PID was changed from 21 to
[01.03.17 13:38:12] Info: Player 'axis's PID was changed from 18 to 2, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:12] Notice: Notice in :\GSM\daemon\engines\quake3\rcon\rconcommands.php:105 => iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string
[01.03.17 13:38:13] Info: Player 'axis' changed name to '^9SuperCzorny', PID: 2, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:13] Info: Player '^9SuperCzorny's PID was changed from 2 to 13, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:13] Info: Player '^9SuperCzorny' changed name to '^^00*Exoza3l', PID: 13, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:13] Info: Player '^^00*Exoza3l's PID was changed from 13 to 23, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:16] Info: Player '^^00*Exoza3l' changed name to '^5feropo n', PID: 23, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:16] Info: Player '^5feropo n's PID was changed from 23 to 11, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:17] Info: Player '^5feropo n' changed name to '^1=Rock=', PID: 11, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:17] Info: Player '^1=Rock='s PID was changed from 11 to 20, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:20] Info: Player '^1=Rock=' changed name to 'breskva', PID: 20, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:20] Info: Player 'breskva's PID was changed from 20 to 27, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:20] Info: Player 'breskva' changed name to 'SERUU', PID: 27, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:20] Info: Player 'SERUU's PID was changed from 27 to 16, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:23] Info: Player 'SERUU' changed name to 'limbuta', PID: 16, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:23] Info: Player 'limbuta's PID was changed from 16 to 10, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:23] Info: Player 'limbuta' changed name to 'tunaa', PID: 10, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:23] Info: Player 'tunaa's PID was changed from 10 to 17, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:23] Info: Player 'tunaa' changed name to 'SERUU', PID: 17, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:23] Info: Player 'SERUU's PID was changed from 17 to 16, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:23] Info: Player 'SERUU' changed name to '^5feropo n', PID: 16, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:23] Info: Player '^5feropo n's PID was changed from 16 to 11, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:26] Info: Player '^5feropo n' changed name to 'sencer', PID: 11, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:26] Info: Player 'sencer's PID was changed from 11 to 1, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:26] Info: Player 'sencer' changed name to '^5Sukaaaaaaa', PID: 1, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:26] Info: Player '^5Sukaaaaaaa's PID was changed from 1 to 29, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:26] Info: Player '^5Sukaaaaaaa' changed name to 'sencer', PID: 29, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:26] Info: Player 'sencer's PID was changed from 29 to 1, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:27] Info: Player 'sencer' changed name to '^1Shark^5Van^6Doom', PID: 1, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:27] Info: Player '^1Shark^5Van^6Doom's PID was changed from 1 to 0, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:29] Info: Player '^1Shark^5Van^6Doom' changed name to 'Uchiha_Itachi', PID: 0, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:29] Info: Player 'Uchiha_Itachi's PID was changed from 0 to 26, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:30] Info: Player 'Uchiha_Itachi' changed name to 'K@R@', PID: 26, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:30] Info: Player 'K@R@'s PID was changed from 26 to 21, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:30] Info: Player 'K@R@' changed name to 'Uchiha_Itachi', PID: 21, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:30] Info: Player 'Uchiha_Itachi's PID was changed from 21 to 26, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:31] Info: Player 'Uchiha_Itachi' changed name to 'sencer', PID: 26, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:31] Info: Player 'sencer's PID was changed from 26 to 1, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:31] Info: Player 'sencer' changed name to '^^00*Exoza3l', PID: 1, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:31] Info: Player '^^00*Exoza3l's PID was changed from 1 to 23, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:33] Info: Player '^^00*Exoza3l' changed name to '=Rock=', PID: 23, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:33] Info: Player '=Rock='s PID was changed from 23 to 20, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:33] Info: Player '=Rock=' changed name to '^5feropo n', PID: 20, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:33] Info: Player '^5feropo n's PID was changed from 20 to 11, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:33] Info: Player '^5feropo n' changed name to '^^0Mim^1S', PID: 11, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:33] Info: Player '^^0Mim^1S's PID was changed from 11 to 14, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:36] Info: Player 'artemicser' quit, PID: 6, GUID: 870363
[01.03.17 13:38:36] Info: Player '^^0Mim^1S' changed name to 'memo', PID: 14, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:36] Info: Player 'memo's PID was changed from 14 to 19, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:37] Info: Player 'memo' changed name to '=Rock=', PID: 19, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:37] Info: Player '=Rock='s PID was changed from 19 to 20, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:38] Info: Player '=Rock=' changed name to 'AMIN', PID: 20, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:38] Info: Player 'AMIN's PID was changed from 20 to 12, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:39] Info: Player 'AMIN' changed name to '^1Shark^5Van^6Doom', PID: 12, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:39] Info: Player '^1Shark^5Van^6Doom's PID was changed from 12 to 0, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:42] Info: Player '^1Shark^5Van^6Doom' changed name to 'theNIG II^2', PID: 0, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:42] Info: Player 'theNIG II^2's PID was changed from 0 to 18, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:42] Info: Player 'theNIG II^2' changed name to '^3Tra^1nzZ', PID: 18, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:42] Info: Player '^3Tra^1nzZ's PID was changed from 18 to 4, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:43] Info: Player '^3Tra^1nzZ' changed name to '^1''baD^1''', PID: 4, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:43] Info: Player '^1''baD^1'''s PID was changed from 4 to 3, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:43] Info: Player '^1''baD^1''' changed name to '^^00*Exoza3l', PID: 3, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:43] Info: Player '^^00*Exoza3l's PID was changed from 3 to 23, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:48] Info: Player '^^00*Exoza3l' changed name to '^1=Rock=', PID: 23, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:48] Info: Player '^1=Rock='s PID was changed from 23 to 20, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:48] Info: Player '^1=Rock=' changed name to '................', PID: 20, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:48] Info: Player '................'s PID was changed from 20 to 7, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:51] Info: Player '................' changed name to 'memo', PID: 7, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:51] Info: Player 'memo's PID was changed from 7 to 19, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:51] Info: Player 'memo' changed name to 'teko ^9since ^72006^6'', PID: 19, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:51] Info: Player 'teko ^9since ^72006^6''s PID was changed from 19 to 24, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:52] Info: Player 'teko ^9since ^72006^6'' changed name to '^^00*Exoza3l', PID: 24, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:52] Info: Player '^^00*Exoza3l's PID was changed from 24 to 23, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:52] Info: Player '^^00*Exoza3l' changed name to '^1Shark^5Van^6Doom', PID: 23, GUID: 0
[01.03.17 13:38:52] Info: Player '^1Shark^5Van^6Doom's PID was changed from 23 to 0, GUID: 0-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"killmessages": {
"enabled": true,
"firstblood": true,
"firstbloodmessage": "^9<PLAYER_NAME> ^7got ^1FIRST BLOOD! ^7with ^3<WEAPON>^7!",
"sequence": true,
"sequencemessages": {
"2": "### Double Kill ### ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7",
"3": "### Multi Kill ### ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7",
"4": "### Mega Kill ### ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7",
"5": "### ULTRA Kill ### ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7",
"6": "### MONSTER KILL ### ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7",
"7": "### LUDICROUS KILL ### ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7",
"8": "### !!! HOLY SHIT !!! ### ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7"
"timelimit": 3,
"weapon": true,
"weaponmessages": {
"melee": "^9<PLAYER_NAME> ^7bashed ^7<KILLED_NAME>!"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My NOTICES:
1. First of all, the Gsm logfile, report :
[01.03.17 13:37:06] Info: Synced playerlist with 'status' (5 players online)
But we were 20 players inside.
2. I personally made the First Blood (with name ^9S^2t^7T^1t^9E^5©^6GuRu^3™ in the game) but, like in the gsm logfile, no firstbloodmessage was send.
3. I personally made a Melee kill but no weaponmessages was send.
4. TranzZ did 2 instant kills, with grenades, but no Double Kill message was send.
If you need, i give you a server for test -
Each plugin.json or only gsm logfile?
Hi all,
I have a CoD 2 server where i tested some Gsm plugins and discovered some plugins work bad and others don't work.
This is the list of the plugins that i have tested running GSM in my own pc to a third-party gameserver:
- censor Don't work
- killmessages Works bad (I notice with some players works without problems with others don't works)
- pingchecker Don't work
- welcomemessages Works bad. (I notice with some players works without problems with others don't works) -
Hi all,
Just a config question with CoD 2 Server for Gsm:
What are the "best" log settings required for Gsm?CoD 2 server.cfg
set g_logsync "0" // 0=no log, 1=buffered, 2=continuous, 3=append
set logfile "0" // 0 = NO log, 1 = log file enabled
set g_log "games_mp.log"
set sv_log_damage "1" -
Hi all,
I use Gsm in CoD 2 1.0 version (without punkbuster). There is a config to change for disable pb or pb commands with the gsm?GSmanager Log:
[28.02.17 21:43:05] Info: RCON command executed: 'pb_sv_guidrelax 0'
[28.02.17 21:47:09] Info: Next map / map restart
[28.02.17 21:47:09] Info: RCON connection established (***********)
[28.02.17 21:47:09] Info: Current map: mp_toujane (sd)
[28.02.17 21:47:11] Info: RCON command executed: 'pb_sv_guidrelax 0'
Can i also disabled the Info: Next map / map restart and the Current map: mp_toujane (sd)? -
Hi Gsm friends,
Do you know why when a CoD 2 server is running (maybe also with others games) and i turn on Gsm to it, server map restart?
Seems, it works! Well done Mirko911
Thank you
(stem added)
Hi all,
I have some problems/bugs with gsm - cod 2 :GSM crash, for example, when a player get the FIRST BLOOD with shotgun (Same with grenades and when i write \kill in console to kill myself ) :
[27.02.17 23:52:35] Error: Weapon with index: shotgun_mp not found
Fatal Error killed us -
Ok, Thank You
"pingchecker": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": 30,
"maxping": 150,
"minping": 0,
"punishment": "kick",
"warnings": 2
} -
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: =========================
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: GSManager (Version 1.2.1)
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: =========================
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: basics.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/antiteamkill.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/automessages.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/balancer.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/censor.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/customcommands.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/funmessages.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/highticket.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/killmessages.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/mapcycle.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/mapsettings.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/nameprotection.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/nuke.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/pingchecker.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/randommapcycle.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/reports.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/reservedslots.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/rules.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/skillscrambler.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/statistics.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/streakmessages.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/votings.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/weaponrestrictions.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: plugins/welcomemessages.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: users.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: groups.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: reasons.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: Config loaded: aliases.json
[26.02.17 19:02:54] Info: All config files were parsed
[26.02.17 19:02:55] Info: GeoIP: Database F:\admin\gsm\daemon\libraries\geoip\GeoLite2-City.mmdb successfully opened
[26.02.17 19:02:55] Info: GeoIP: Initialization finished
[26.02.17 19:02:55] Info: API successfully initialized.
[26.02.17 19:02:55] Info: RCON command executed: 'version'
[26.02.17 19:02:56] Notice: RCON connection established (
[26.02.17 19:02:56] Notice: Game detected: Call of Duty 2
[26.02.17 19:02:57] Notice: Dvar check successful
[26.02.17 19:02:57] Warning: Punishment kill does not exist. Skipping.
[26.02.17 19:02:58] Warning: Can't register subcommand quit -> srv. The parent command doesn't exist
[26.02.17 19:02:58] Notice: Punkbuster: PB is disabled on this server (sv_punkbuster = 0), please enable it before using this plugin
[26.02.17 19:02:59] Info: Set Dvar _gsmanager to '1.2.1'
[26.02.17 19:03:00] Info: Synced playerlist with 'status' (0 players online)
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Info: Updated Dvar g_gametype
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Info: *******************************
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Info: * CREATED ADMIN TOKEN *
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Info: * ********* *
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Info: * You can use it ingame over *
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Info: * !token use ******* *
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Info: *******************************
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Info: == Loading plugins and commands ==
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Automatic Messages' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Censor' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Custom Commands' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Fun Messages' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Kill Messages' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Map Settings' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Name Protection' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Random MapCycle' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Reports' (v1.0.0) by Yenz
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Rules' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Statistics' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Streak Messages' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Votings' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Weapon Restrictions' (v1.0.0) by Master of Little
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Welcome Messages' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Info: == Finished loading plugins (15 plugins) ==
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Info: !! Finished initialisation
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Info: === Start processing loglines... ===
[26.02.17 19:03:01] Info: Successfully connected to FTP server: '' as 's1214554'
[26.02.17 19:03:03] Notice: Cannot connect to GSManager Master Server at 'http://gsmanager.de/report.php' => Skip reporting! -
First of all the !location command with more information and then, why not, integrate the geoip functions into a plugin
Hi guys,
I need your help for how to use the pingchecker because don't work. I already activate it in the ...\config\plugins\pingchecker.json -
Hi guys,
I need your help for how to use the extended geo ip database because when i use !location is the same with default. -