Ok, i give it a try. But i don't think what my server so popular, what hackers want hack me:)
Beiträge von Warlock
Guys you mean 2 factor auth? If it using app, i don't like it. Because what happen if my smartphone, get lost or broken? I use 2 factor auth only via SMS or phone call, or email in last.
I saw sometimes it on other resources, when i edited them. Sometimes they been damaged after edit. But in ApiUser it's allways show this message. I start think, that access denied for it
But how, there? I need use SQLite viewer?
You fixed it! Thank you Belstgut!
Just pressed restart and switched back to login screen, because GSM restarted.
i use user admin, it generated by gamed!de. I think this been temp bug, after restart GSM via game and edited one plugin.
Now only this warning remain:
[08.06.17 23:38:55] Warning: Can't register subcommand quit -> srv. The parent command doesn't exist[0m
And dozens of notices:
[09.06.17 02:19:43] Notice: Notice in files/skripte/GSManager/dist/daemon/api/websocket.php:410 => Undefined index: token[0m
[09.06.17 02:19:43] Notice: Notice in files/skripte/GSManager/dist/daemon/api/websocket.php:411 => Undefined index: guid[0m
[09.06.17 02:19:43] Notice: Notice in files/skripte/GSManager/dist/daemon/api/websocket.php:393 => Undefined index: token[0mPS: It's normal then i go to https://interface.gsmanager.de/config/user/apiuser
I saw this? Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
I mean what help message of unban syntax wrong. It's advice using 2 guids, instead of IP or GUID or Nickname. Where i can see bans?
I try unban with part nickname, but receive what syntax is wrong. I need use something like this !unban part guid|part GUID name|part name.
Maybe message wrong about 2 guids, maybe it's mean PID?
Now i realise, what forget his nickname. It's possible to see, who banned in database?
I specially reply here, because Google show this thread in his search
Maybe someone else find it via Google. I tryed unban one player before with part of nickname, then part of GUID + part of nickname: don't work. He been banned by other players by voting, but his stats normal. Thanks for help.
PS: Bad things, what i can't enter commands via Web-interface manually, like in console or chat. I need always go in game for this.
Who know how exactly unban player? IDK it's syntax. Why i need enter 2 GUID's + partname?
Nice what 3 errors or warnings now disappear.
Notice strings exist before, but i not type them here. They been in logs.
Logs flooded with them.
New info. GSManager restarted via in-game command: quit gsm
[08.06.17 02:21:18] Info: Player 'WarlockZone' executed command: 'quit ', PID: 1, GUID: warlockzone[0m
[08.06.17 02:21:26] Info: Player 'WarlockZone' executed command: 'quit gsm', PID: 1, GUID: warlockzone[0m
[08.06.17 02:21:26] Notice: GSManager quit by user[0mI think problem in Webinterface.
[08.06.17 02:24:11] Warning: API WebSocket: client ( is not allowed to request executeingamecommand, no permission api.request.executeingamecommand[0m resource(206) of type (stream)
[08.06.17 02:24:33] Warning: API WebSocket: unknown request subtype: quitgsm[0m
First warning, i think written in log, when i edited aliases.json and save it. I saw message what plugins not reloaded.
Dennis this is strange, they updated it yesterday.
[07.06.17 16:25:15] Info: GSManager (Version 1.2.2)[0m
Roger! Thank you for such detailed answer
IDK what here you use ads. Only now switched off AdBlock+, you should implement notice for ADBlock+ users for disabling it here.
Thank you for answer Dennis! I understood this. So time to install GSManager in my Lubuntu! It's running on old Fujitsu-Siemens LifeBook S7010
I forget, to leave new info here first. Leaved it in comments, in GSManager download. Gamed!de support told what they need permission from you guys, to change behaviour of .start script. It's always overwritten with default values. I edited it. IDK it's should work or not.
Can you saw it and reply? I attached 2 files here.
Hi there,
I fixed the bug. There was an issue with an BF3 update. They added a new row to the status reply.
Dennis will release an update, which will address this issue.
Problem still exist! After some time of play, i noticed what GSM not reply to my commands. Think first what it fail. But when saw message what it running. I and others like been invisible mans for GSM. Find those warnings by word: "actually" in attachment. Console.txt
Nice, thx! But bug still exist!
[06.06.17 22:23:05] Warning: Can't register subcommand quit -> srv. The parent command doesn't exist[0m
[06.06.17 22:25:00] Notice: Notice in files/skripte/GSManager/dist/daemon/api/websocket.php:410 => Undefined index: token[0m
[06.06.17 22:25:00] Notice: Notice in files/skripte/GSManager/dist/daemon/api/websocket.php:411 => Undefined index: guid[0m
[06.06.17 22:25:00] Notice: Notice in files/skripte/GSManager/dist/daemon/api/websocket.php:393 => Undefined index: token[0m
[06.06.17 22:25:51] Warning: API WebSocket: unknown request subtype: quitgsm[0m -
I need contact with this person?
Battlefield 3
i edit string to bf3 in .config.sh