Be sure to set the following config settings in config.cfg:
enabled = 1
message = "^1My Name is: ^2<PLAYERNAME>^1.And I am from ^2<CONTINENT> ^1-> ^2<COUNTRY>"
(Of course you can edit the message which is shown after !geo command.)
Be sure to set the following config settings in config.cfg:
enabled = 1
message = "^1My Name is: ^2<PLAYERNAME>^1.And I am from ^2<CONTINENT> ^1-> ^2<COUNTRY>"
(Of course you can edit the message which is shown after !geo command.)
Yeah, that should work.
You can define as many groups as you want.
If you don't need any existing ones you can just edit that block (instead of deleting it and creating a new one).
Sorry for that misleading.
add/edit groups in groups.cfg
and add new welcome messages in config.cfg [welcomemessages]
checkout google and youtube with (searching for your exact model) and you will find videos like these:
How to - Portforward a D-Link router. (Open ports) - YouTube
How to open ports on a d-link router. DFX PICTURES EXCLUSIVE ! - YouTube
And update to 0.11.5.
set [main]logrcon = 1
join server
execute !readconfig
leave server
join server
set [main]logrcon to previous value
execute !readconfig
leave server
zip file log/rcon.log
upload zip
Alles anzeigenhello , i have a problem with the last geoip posted by Luk.
There is the error:
324:54 [26.02.13 07:59:20] PHP-Error: Notice in :\adminmod\plugins\plugin_geoip.php:215 => Undefined variable: ip
324:54 [26.02.13 07:59:20] PHP-Error: Notice in :\adminmod\plugins\plugin_geoip.php:216 => Undefined variable: ip
324:54 [26.02.13 07:59:20] PHP-Error: Notice in :\adminmod\plugins\plugin_geoip.php:217 => Undefined variable: ip
324:54 [26.02.13 07:59:20] PHP-Error: Notice in :\adminmod\plugins\plugin_geoip.php:218 => Undefined variable: ip
324:54 [26.02.13 07:59:20] PHP-Error: Notice in :\adminmod\plugins\plugin_geoip.php:219 => Undefined variable: ipHere are the lines 212 to 219 of the code:
$replace = array(
$geoip->getRegionName($ip),Any one can help me with that pls?
Thanks per advence.
For some reason the plugin isn't able to determine the player's ip.
Do the "special files" manipulate the rcon status command in any way?
config.cfg main timezone
PHP: List of Supported Timezones - Manual
i think alter iw isn't available any more. I don't know. I only play COD4
quoting yourself? nice job
as i already pointed out: for delta one logs some things differnt compared to alteriwnet (and the other cods).
MAM 0.11.5 and MW2 (for delta one) isn't working properly
we cannot change this behavior spontaneously.
Let me take a look, if i can tune the stats-plugin (quick and dirty) but don't suspect any further support for this plugin
That's why you should test that. The stats are written into the database if a player quits. Maybe, if the mam detects a server restart it's re-initialising the whole system (drops all players and add new ones and never wite sth into the sqlite).
Your server will contact a so called "masterserver" to tell him, that it is online. Now your server is on the normal ingame serverlist and everyone is able to see him.
(Don't forget to open your used UDP-Ports in your router!)
just don't use it.
you can play without it, you can host server without it.
Yeah Gameranger is not the best tool for hosting dedicated servers.
Starting gameserver usually means "executing a program via command line with some extra parameters and loading a server config file". For me it's that:
"D:\Programme\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\iw3mp.exe" +set dedicated 1 +set net_port 28963 +exec hc_tdm.cfg +map_rotate
Learn how to launch your two gameserver (different configs, different ports, ... - see upper checklist). To start your two mams is as easy as starting only one.
read the first line of my post.
Then query for "net_port". This will display your port in den cod console.
Alternative: Create a conjuction of your iw3mp.exe, right click, properties, add in the target-line behind the " your parameters. example:
"C:\...\iw3mp.exe" +set dedicated 2 +set net_port 28960 +set sv_log_damage 1 +set g_logsync 1 +set rcon_password secure +map_rotate
After that: Copy that junction, edit properties again and add 1 to your port -> 28961
Now you can directly start both dedicated servers by double clicking the icons.
how do your start your cod server?
use the cod startparamter:
+set net_port 28961
for mam: edit the [main]port number in config.cfg