if u r on the server and the other guy is, please make a status command via rcon and post the output
Beiträge von Belstgut
check their guids and compare them with the guids of the admins. if they match, they use guid spoofing to get admin. use adminvalid or uncrack your server.
ok this is useless if your server doesnt stand near you
for me my server is like 70km away, and i guess i wont be able to hear the beeper of this distance
if there is only one admin in the admins.cfg / users.json (depending on your version) there is no other way to get adminrights. if there is, please let us know immediately because that would be a huge security hole.
upload it in the forum so we can give our feedback
if your server is cracked, it's really easy to spoof your guid. if its not, it is still possible, but not so easy.
because last stand is not a weapon
doesnt work, cause they wont get logged
post your new banner.json pls
you have a syntax error in your json file.
as long as 1.0.0 is still in beta 0.12 is still supported.
Yes, Plugins written for 0.12 are NOT compatible with 1.0.0
this is 100% working. if this wouldnt work, this website wouldnt be running and more.
if its still like in the post he made, the error is correct, since there are some commas and " missing
these [] things denote an array in json. and since its an array of strings, all items have to be seperated by a comma , and be between "
so in banners for example it looks sth like this:
so always a comma after each banner EXCEPT AFTER THE LAST ONE
and again... its not the version why its not working. its some mistakes u made in your config files.
you have errors in your config files. its not mam version or anything.
use an editor with syntax highlighting like notepad++ or sublimetext to find syntax errors faster.
missing commas and " in banners and funmessages. your json syntax is invalid
did u made any changes to the daemon.php?
see attachment.
new command is !contact