promod only works with custom_public mode and different logsync settings in custom_ruleset.gsc
Beiträge von Belstgut
i wrote a sendmail plugin for 0.12 once. but needs mail() compatibility. so for windows you need to edit your php.ini to get mail working
random mapcycle with only 2 maps is kinda pointless imo. just make a rotation.
its in the promod folder inside the z_custom_ruleset.iwd or z_c_r.iwd (depending on your promod version)
your logsync settings are wrong. check your custom_ruleset.gsc
if you have set the logfile to auto, and your dvars fs_homepath, fs_game and g_log are correctly set, the rename of the logfile shouldnt matter (if you renamed it in the dvar.)
which promod_mode are you using? mam only works good with custom_public and g_logsync 2 in custom_ruleset.gsc
thats just the info.json
post your .bat file pls
u activated pingkick plugin?
ok found one error why !online didnt worked. already fixed it.
small do it yourself fix:
1. open plugins/basiccommands/basiccomands.php
2. go to line 489
3. replace "main" with "daemon"
4. restart worked for me so far.
Hi, since u all seem to have some problems i'm going to install beta4 on a stock 1.7 cod4 server now. will tell you my results
screen installiert?
einmal ./ status
oder mit screen -ls schaun obs noch läuft
u didn't gave the master group the permission to execute the !online command. try this groups.json:
Spoiler anzeigen
Alles anzeigen{ "master" : { "name" : "MasterAdmin", "commands" : "*", "power" : 75, "neededpower": 75 }, "admin" : { "name" : "Admin", "commands" : "vote,yes,no,forgive,tki,stats,fun,help,admintest,time,nextmap,uptime,status,info,me,ff,cmdlist,session,serverstats,resetmystats,skip,vmap,cointoss,pl,maps,checkadmin,kickme,kick,tempban,map,restart,maprotate,say,setnextmap,warn,gametype,ban,kickall,setpw,removepw,hardcore,oldschool,killcam,gravity,knockback,speed,setff,exec,avote,cancel,pass,resetplayerstats,paypack,getip", "power" : 65, "neededpower": 65 }, "member" : { "name" : "Clan-Member", "commands" : "vote,yes,no,forgive,tki,stats,fun,help,admintest,time,nextmap,uptime,status,info,me,ff,cmdlist,session,serverstats,resetmystats,skip,vmap,cointoss,pl,maps,checkadmin,kickme,kick,tempban,map,restart,maprotate,say,setnextmap,warn", "power" : 50, "neededpower": 50 }, "user" : { "name" : "User", "commands" : "vote,yes,no,forgive,tki,stats,fun,help,admintest,time,nextmap,uptime,status,info,me,ff,cmdlist,session,serverstats,resetmystats,skip,vmap,cointoss,pl,maps,checkadmin,kickme", "power" : 0, "neededpower": 25 }, "default" : { "name" : "Player", "commands" : "vote,yes,no,forgive,tki,stats,fun,help,admintest,time,nextmap,uptime,status,info,me,ff,cmdlist,session,serverstats,resetmystats,skip,vmap,getPower,setPower,getNeeded,setNeeded", "power" : 0, "neededpower": 0 } }
can u copy the groups.json aswell?
check out users.json and set yourself to the correct group so u have access to the commands.