Beiträge von Belstgut
does the other user has the permission to read the mam files?
what shell do u use as root? and what as other user?
your last post got deleted because it was violating the terms of service.
there is no such version
your debug tells me that mam is running fine.
So i cannot say whats wrong.
maybe you can try running ./ start and then check if its running with screen -ls and check if everything is ok with screen -r PID (should look like in debug)
hmm the debug looks fine and tells that mam is running.
do you have screen installed?
if not do sudo apt-get install screen
edit: why am i not allowed to use font bbcode? or any other for that matter
he just has to reconnect.
thats what warns are there for
if you need to warn someone 3 times i think he deservers a reconnect
no need for a mam plugin there, as there are serversettings for that.
keep in mind that this resets every round. So on SD for example u will probably never get kicked because the roundlength is less than the inactivity time -
try to compile them yourself:
Turn off Aero in windows, turn off antialiasing, run the game as administrator, disable visual design and so on and screenshots might not work on win8 yet or so dunno exactly about that
u need the geoip.dat database for this plugin to work
only on client side. server cannot force all the settings.
Black ss dont only come from aa enabled. Also aero or other thinks can produce black screens
i wanted to do this on my own but as i dont have much time lately and other people are probably more qualified than me anyway
i wanted to propose to include the TrueSkill Algorithm by microsoft into the mam.
A PHP Implementation of this can be found here:
More about the Math behind it can be found here: (ordered from less to more detailled)…ll/details.aspx Math Behind TrueSkill.pdfand an online calculator:…alculators.aspx
Would really do it myself but cant find any time soon so probably has to wait till summer till i can get to it. However if i find some time before i will definitely look into this more.
try saving the file as utf-8 WITHOUT BOM
as i said
if i find some more time i make ranking system. already found a fitting algorithm
but its complicated. have to read a bit into it
The Problem with a ranking system based on the mam stats is, that it wont actually reflect the actual skill of the players at all. Mam just counts kills, deaths, time played, selfkills and headshots. And all those things dont reflect the skill level of a player really well. maybe the K/D ratio but even this isnt completely true.
punkbuster also runs on the client server. so if u request a screenshot, punkbuster on the client will take the screenshot and sends it to the server. cod4 cant do that