since cod4 cannot make screenshos neither can manuadminmod... mam just creates a frontend for the stuff the game delivers
Beiträge von Belstgut
in b3 a /! doesnt hide the command in cod4 as this is simply not possible without servermodifications
you cant make screenshots if punkbuster is disabled
If I find some time I'll see if i can code a little elo ranking. But this wont be a correct elo system. just an approximated one perhaps.
there is no such thing as a skill inidcator in mam. so the elo system would have to do.
because there is no !register in default mam... just type !stats and u can see your stats. it saves the stats for all players.
list of mam commands is !cmdlist as masteradmin.
and no stats wont get deleted if u r not registered as there is no such thing as register in unmodded mam
not if you use the extra validation plugin. else, yes.
since b3 and mam use the same method for authentication you wont get more security with mam.
However there is a plugin which allows you to verify your admins. So this plugin adds another layer of securitys
doesnt matter, because there wont be any new updates for cod4
u can downloaded latest pb files for cod4 here:…ows-file91.html
and u can install the pb serivce anyway. its not specific for cod4
wenn nur playerNameChange abgefangen wird, wird das nach dem joinen eh nicht geprüft.
wenn guid und name gleich sind, nix machen, wenn nur name gleich: kicken
Also gibts ja anscheinend bereits ein event, was nen namechange abgreift. und da dann einfach nen namensüberprüfung rein dürfte ja nich so schwer sein.
As you might have heard, evenbalance dropped their support for cod4. So what does that mean, if you install Cod4 again, u wont be able to receive updates for cod4. so whats the problem? every server which is running the latest version of punkbuster will probably kick you for old version.
So what does that mean for Serveradmins. If you want to support new players you probably have to remove Punkbuster from your server. This is a problem because then you have like no good way to ban cheaters or scan for illegal binds or so.
Damn u activision. Trying to shut down old games... NO WE WONT BUY GHOSTS BECAUSE U SHUTDOWN COD4...
yeh im really mad now -
in mam you dont have to register to keep track of the stats. just enable stats in your config file and type !stats .
I normaly can run my server for month without any issues except for the pingbug. but normaly i dont have issues with mam
not without modifying the mod itself. and im not sure if the ts stuff works in any way. if it does, someone tell me how
It doesnt work with any promods later than 204. Sorry. There are some possibilities to get it work with almost any mod, but I'm not going to do this. Ask the creators of the mods
einen art !finger befehl wär nice.
der gibt aus, wie lange der spieler schon spielt, vll seine stats, aktuelle warnings und notifications oder so und anzahl aliases vll noch und letzte bekannte IP und guid natürlich. also so ein alle infos über einen bestimmten spieler ding
logfile path correct?
and enough permissions to access them?
ok wait 1 sec
most useless post evar.... like really jad... avoid double posts pls and ask questions more clearly and so on and wtf screencapture failed? just /screenshotjpeg