check your php installation. it seems to be broken. and you shouldnt start gsm as root.
Beiträge von Belstgut
"quake3": {
"antistartupbug": true,
"fastrcon": false,
"fixguidrelax": true,
"logfile": "E\\Server\\Mods\\jumping\\games_mp.log"
du hast das : vergessen
lösch das devkit plugin. das scheint fälschlicherweise dabei zu sein.
it should be something like this: mysql:host=;port=5432;dbname=anydb
well the error says that you cannot connect to the database server. so it is most likely a connection problem or a misconfigured connection string.
#0 /home/XXX/GS/daemon/libraries/database/database.php(168): PDO->__construct('mysql:host=66.7...', 'gs', 'H', Array)
can you check if that host=... string looks correct?
"mysqlhost": "66.7",
this doesnt look right. this should most likely be localhost or an ip
I believe we could publish the message catalog
TODO: Add to lexicon
chmod 777 is allerdings nicht die sauberste art das zu loesen.
Bessere waere es 644 fuer dateien und 755 fuer ordner und dann mit chown -R user: .den aktuellen ordner dem user user zuzuweisen. GSM muss dann mit dem user user gestartet werden.
zB mit sudo -u user ./ start
Du scheinst gsm aber mit sudo zu starten.
also erstmal wuerde ich gsm nicht als `root` starten.
GSM logfiles sollten im `logfiles` ordner zu finden sein. wenn nicht, stimmen vermutlich die Ordnerberechtigungen nicht (aber wenn als root gestartet eh egal ^^)
Das problem dass du es nicht starten kannst liegt daran:
`GSManager-1 is already started, use './ stop' to stop it!`
Die gamelog wird NICHT von gsm erstellt, sondern vom Spiel.
what do you have as logfile in your gsm config?
syntax: ftp://username:password@host/path/to/games_mp.log
Keine Probleme erkennbar
Can you post the part of the logfile when the crash occured?
I think those notices come from a bug in the api. not from the api calls. Because I always send the token field, even if it is not needed.
And guids are not sent via the api, but found via the mapping in the users.json (apiuser => guid)
The missing secret was probably the cause for the Whoops, something went wrong error.
It's only needed if u have a q3 game anyway. if u use frostbite games u wont need it. (at least I haven't heard of a case of guid spoofing there.)
You just need the secret key which is written in the users.json if u lose ur phone. You could even write in on a piece of paper so you can set up your authenticator again.
The secret gets created anyway. He might want to enable 2fa later on, and then the secret is needed.
I have a few errors in the log which indicate that at least 1 user is missing his secret key. Those are needed in the users.json
I'll add a short fix for it when its missing but pls add it.
yup. that looks like a bug. request type should be quitgsmanager instead of quitgsm
The first warning just states that the user u use to login to the webinterface doesn't have the executeingamepermissions
which is needed for reloading configs.