that won't work
Beiträge von Belstgut
this is not possible with the current automessages plugin. You can only set the interval between each message
since those scripts are all client side only without anything sent to the server this won't be possible without a mod which checks for the elebot_run bind
Koncept Hack banning works, since it spams the chat, which the server can read.
you need to consult your mods documentation to find out which rcon command to use to set client cvars.
there is no legit way to retrive the hw id even with punkbuster. Only evenbalance could get it. bit afaik there are some "workarounds"
in the quake3 settings set as logfile:
gsm sollte eigentlich die aktuelle ff settings nicht aendern, auser man macht das explizit ueber einen command
Since this is using your IP address to get your location it can only make an estimate. you can check the precision here:
for me it varies. sometimes its only 10 to 20km off sometimes over 100
set the path to your php.exe in the gsm.cfg
Installation von PHP [Windows]
edit: ohh sehe grade dir fehlt curl und sockets
Suche in der php.ini nach:
;extension=php_curl.dll entferne das ;
Suche nach ;extension=php_sockets.dll entferne das ;
Speichere die datei.
Those are not plugins for GSManager but serverside script for your mod.
make sure you save the file as utf8 and that the gamefont supports cyrillic characters
warum nutzt man nicht einfach punkbuster guidrelax?
hmm das sieht sehr seltsam aus. für mich sieht das aus wie wenn dein rcon falsche daten geliefert hatte, oder rcon connection nicht zur logfile passt. (also 2 unterschiedliche server)
should just work out of the box
you need to change the amount of punishment points u want to give in your config.
there is a plugin. Its called censor
welchen pfad findet er nicht?
Fehlermeldungen? einfach nur geht nicht ist nicht grade hilfreich