Beiträge von thamidu
Any reason for the 766 permissions instead of 777?
Because the GSM folder is under root. So I thought It would be more secure to not give execute permissions. I don't know very much about linux. So should I change it to 777?
Not sure how it is implemented and under which user you run stuff via that panel.
The panel uses SSH Login to access the VPS. So I think the scripts are running with root access.
Do you have the possibility of upgrading php to a new version?
I don't think so because the Debian version is 3.2.68 and I got php v 5.4.45. Is it must to update to v5.5 or can't I run it in 5.4?
(Your documentation says GSM need 5.4 or newer though)
Thank you for the Reply,
Actually the problem was the php path that i have set for the $PHP and now its fixed. Thank you.
Now a new problem came up. Now its asking permission for "logfiles"/ folder. Then I gave sudo chmod -R 0766 /root/coda/gsm/logfiles to set permissions. But nothing change happen, the error is still the same! Any help?
The error code is
I did ls -l and it has "drwxrw-rw-" permission
I edited the line 35 of to
until $PHP -f gsm.php -- -game "$GAME" -cfgdir "$CFGDIR" -logdir "$LOGDIR"; do sleep 1; done;
that was like this before.
until $PHP -f gsm.php -- -game \"$GAME\" -cfgdir \"$CFGDIR\" -logdir \"$LOGDIR\"; do sleep 1; done;
Then I ran the executable and the error "The folder 'logfiles'/ is not writeable" didn't show up. But now theres another problem. Now it is a syntax error in /daemon/core/utils.php.
Here is the log in logfiles/deamon.log
Code[13.03.17 14:48:30] Notice: Parsing Error in root/cod43/gsmanager/daemon/core/utils.php:216 => syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' [13.03.17 14:48:31] Notice: Parsing Error in root/cod43/gsmanager/daemon/core/utils.php:216 => syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$'
Hey guys,
Recently I tried to run GSManager through BrightGame Panel in my debian VPS. So the other admins can control GSManager without accessing SSH. But unfortunately, the BGPanel runs the executable in a screen.
So I edited like this, to avoid to open another screen which makes the first screen CRASH.
But it gets an error with the php folder which is etc/php5/apache2. It gives an error called"./ line 33: /etc/php5/apache2: Is a directory".
So how can I get rid of this? (I tried to run without using " ./ ". Then it says no such file or directory. And I'm pretty sure i did cd to the correct folder. I checked php folder path hundred times too)