U can close this thread. One of our developers solved this by linking both profiles (1.7 and 1.8 guid).
Beiträge von Robbie
Yes, all visitors getting a new guid. Mine in Cod4x is: 9f851e70fd1015cf740034dd68d51859
I see this on our statistics and with the /rcon status command.
So basicly all players got a new guid wich is not any problem (only for the player stats) but for admins it is because we check the guid and ip.
When i join a 1.7 server the original guid is setted and also my adminstatus there.
Oke, we did set the legacy on but that doesnt help. It doesnt return the original guid.
Hi fellow developers,
Our community use gsm as a admin tool for a long time (manu) and we are happy with it. Now we are migrating some servers into the cod4x files and it looks great. But, gsm doesnt work for 100% anymore. Main problem is the admin GUID. Since cod4x works with Steam the admin guid doesnt show up in gsm anymore.
any solutions for this?
We have a sort of work arround for some admins.
Regards, Rob
Yes, this is the only message in the deamon logfile that shows up
Problem is solved but it is still wierd that, without a proper teamspeakconfig gsm restarts. When i find some related to this i wil send u this.
And Mirko, thanks. Maybe this is a good idea for us to.
We have Mirko, thanks. But the basics.json is server related and there is the teamspeak parameter too
Ok, i triggered the problem now. The teamspeak host was wrong in some servers (that is why i hate we have that much servers
). I changed the teamspeak server from IP into hostname. Restarted GSM and now it works.
But, it is strange that, when u insert a wrong teamspeak host in the basics, gsm is restarting after use the report command.
Hmmm, i was looking at the wrong server. It was a promod server. This is the log:
[07.01.17 17:19:33] Info: Player 'Alan Turing' executed command: 'report twinster aim', PID: 8, GUID: Cencored
[07.01.17 17:19:33] Error: teamspeak3 doesn't exist in RegistryThen it restarts.
EDIT: It was not only restarting when a admin report another admin but when all use that command gsm restarts.
I gonna try to force it with a tail -f from the logfile.
It is only restarting when a admin (protected player) use the !report function on another admin (protected player). Then gsm restarts. When normal players use the !report nothing happen (the plugin works fine).
The warnings are the only thing i can find in the logfile
Maybe u can turn off the firewall or enable the port?
there is nothing in the log that say gsm was restarting but it was restarting in game.
This is a part of the deamon.log:
[07.01.17 17:57:36] Info: Player 'DUALITYwO' executed command: 'report Irish wh', PID: 4, GUID: Censored
[07.01.17 17:57:36] Notice: Notice in home/cod4/gsmanager/daemon/libraries/teamspeak3/serverquery.php:165 => fwrite(): send of 65 bytes failed with errno=32 Broken pipe
[07.01.17 17:57:36] Warning: TeamSpeak3: decodeAnswer: too many iterations. Abort.
[07.01.17 17:57:36] Warning: [Reports] Couldn't get the client list from TeamSpeak 3.
[07.01.17 17:57:36] Notice: Notice in home/cod4/gsmanager/daemon/libraries/teamspeak3/serverquery.php:165 => fwrite(): send of 65 bytes failed with errno=32 Broken pipe
[07.01.17 17:57:36] Warning: TeamSpeak3: decodeAnswer: too many iterations. Abort.
[07.01.17 17:57:36] Warning: [Reports] Couldn't get the client list from TeamSpeak 3. -
when a admin use (abuse) the !report command (which we enabled) on another admin then GSM restarts
Hi Develop team,
I remember in MANU there was a command for admins to force the autobalance teams in game (tdm).
I also remember i asked u, develop team, if it is possible to add this command in GSM.Can u think about this or is there a command allready in GSM to autobalance the teams?
Reason is some players switch all the time so the game is out of balance and the final score is also out of balance.
Wait for the normal autobalance is no optionThanks in advance.
EDIT -- Please remove this thread.
Take a look at the censor plugin (config/plugins)
We have also... we use symbolic links to, for example, the config folder so when u change some into the automessages u have to do this once. The basics must be unique.
and move afk players into spectate with a command? I saw the spec command but that doesnt work (it says command is succesfully executed but nothing happen)
Hmmm... then it was a custom gsc plugin. Thanks anyway.