It's a pity that we had to abandon GSmanager
Beiträge von Sergeus
Nobody can help?
Mirko911, thanks so match
I will try in the near future.And who else can help configure the plugin Antiteamkill?
Don't work command !nuke start teamname(US,RU etc.) in BF4
Start countdown, but after 1 - nothing. Nobody dies.Code[23.10.16 13:44:03] Info: Player 'Omirax' executed command: 'nuke ', PID: 1, GUID: ea_93074b94af0f7891f429c000a5df8370[0m [23.10.16 13:44:17] Info: Player 'Omirax' executed command: 'nuke (start) RU', PID: 1, GUID: ea_93074b94af0f7891f429c000a5df8370[0m [23.10.16 13:44:33] Notice: Get Punkbuster player list[0m
Please help me with this issue!
Best Regards,
What about antiteamkill configuration parameters?
I did not find in the documentation.Code
Alles anzeigen"antiteamkill": { "enabled": true, "min": -3, "start": 0, "warn": 3, "kick": 4, "teamkill": 1, "kill": 0.1, "mode": "tempban", "forgive": 1, "forgivetime": 30, "forgivepoints": 0.5 } }
Please help me understand how to set up team kill !p and !f
Alles anzeigen{ "aliases": { "aimbot": "fun aimbot", "b": "punish ban", "ban": "punish ban", "beer": "fun beer", "bigadmin": "fun bigadmin", "bye": "fun bye", "cheat": "fun cheat", "f": "forgive", "god": "fun god", "k": "punish kick", "kick": "punish kick", "kill": "punish kill", "me": "fun me", "n": "vote no", "no": "vote no", "owned": "fun owned", "pizza": "fun pizza", "p": "fun pwned", "s": "stats show", "tb": "punish tempban", "tempban": "punish tempban", "voteban": "vote start ban", "votekick": "vote start kick", "votemap": "vote start map", "w": "punish warn", "warn": "punish warn", "y": "vote yes", "yes": "vote yes" } }
Dennis, Thank you for your help!
With groups and users all ok!Best Regards,
Oh, thanks a lot
If multiple users in the same group?
Or it is necessary to create a separate record for each person?Where can I take EA_id? From the log?
Alles anzeigen"100": { "group": "mods", "names": [ "6000_bojibt", "andrikx2k", "roman9021978", "turopdestroyer" ], "api": { "username": "admin", "password": "df6207eb15b74782bf56eb138c4c8bccb1a32b4d12dc0c40ac2c5d80aecda6a90c6e0a532e764964d556a902e7f399a6351dd5641108e9a37f77efa78f90366a" }, "secret": "UNO23DSVQ7TWILSQ" },
Thank you for your help!
Need help with config groups/users for BF4.
It does not work directive !kill , !warn, !kick, !ban, !nuke for admins and moders users.
Error: pm: no permissions to execute commandWhen moderators and administrators users come - all join in default group.
[19.10.16 19:36:15] Info: default andrikx2k (1) has joined. (GUID: ea_08e550ea19f8cdcd1d86e83f18d825e9)
[20.10.16 15:56:19] Info: default Omirax (1) has joined. (GUID: ea_93074b94af0f7891f429c000a5df8370)Please help me!
Alles anzeigen{ "apiuser": { "group": "ops", "names": [ "apiuser" ], "api": { "username": "admin", "password": "df6207eb15b74782bf56eb138c4c8bccb1a32b4d12dc0c40ac2c5d80aecda6a90c6e0a532e764964d556a902e7f399a6351dd5641108e9a37f77efa78f90366a" } }, "1": { "group": "admins", "names": [ "Omirax" ], "secret": "SM3CD6PRRFIXILOO", "api": { "username": "admin", "password": "df6207eb15b74782bf56eb138c4c8bccb1a32b4d12dc0c40ac2c5d80aecda6a90c6e0a532e764964d556a902e7f399a6351dd5641108e9a37f77efa78f90366a" } }, "100": { "group": "mods", "names": [ "andrikx2k" ], "api": { "username": "admin", "password": "df6207eb15b74782bf56eb138c4c8bccb1a32b4d12dc0c40ac2c5d80aecda6a90c6e0a532e764964d556a902e7f399a6351dd5641108e9a37f77efa78f90366a" }, "secret": "UNO23DSVQ7TWILSQ" }, "APIUSER": { "group": "ops", "names": [ "APIUSER" ], "api": { "username": "admin", "password": "df6207eb15b74782bf56eb138c4c8bccb1a32b4d12dc0c40ac2c5d80aecda6a90c6e0a532e764964d556a902e7f399a6351dd5641108e9a37f77efa78f90366a" } } }
Alles anzeigen{ "ops": { "displayname": "Operator", "inheritance": [], "permissions": [ "*" ], "shownasadmin": true, "needstologin": true }, "admins": { "displayname": "Administrator", "inheritance": [ "mods" ], "permissions": [ "*", "", "", "", "", "*", "daemon.pb.banlist", "daemon.pb.restart", "daemon.pb.unban", "daemon.pb.update", "daemon.round.*", "daemon.set.*", "punishment.immunity.ban", "punishment.immunity.kick", "punishment.immunity.kill", "punishment.immunity.tempban", "punishment.immunity.warn", "punishments.punish.ban.*", "punishments.score.remove.*", "punishments.unban", "", "", "punishment.punish.kick.*", "punishment.punish.warn.*", "punishment.punish.tempban.*", "punishment.punish.ban.*", "nuke.*" ], "shownasadmin": true, "needstologin": true }, "mods": { "displayname": "Moderator", "inheritance": [ "vips" ], "permissions": [ "*", "daemon.move.*", "daemon.say", "daemon.scream", "daemon.whisper", "daemon.yell", "nameprotection.immunity.identicname", "nameprotection.immunity.namechanges", "nameprotection.immunity.reservedname", "nuke.*", "pingchecker.pingkick.*", "punishment.punish.kick.*", "punishment.punish.kill.*", "punishment.score.get.*", "punishment.score.list.*", "punkbuster.pb.getss", "statistics.stats.reset.*", "twofactorauth.secret" ], "shownasadmin": true, "needstologin": true }, "vips": { "displayname": "Very Important Player", "inheritance": [ "default" ], "permissions": [ "-daemon.get.password", "antiteamkill.immunity", "balancer.balance", "censor.immunity.badname", "censor.immunity.badword", "censor.immunity.uppercasename", "censor.immunity.uppercaseword", "daemon.aliases.*", "daemon.get.*", "daemon.pb.version", "daemon.players", "daemon.status", "geoip.location.*", "nuke.immunity", "*", "pingchecker.immunity.maxping", "pingchecker.immunity.minping", "pingchecker.immunity.pingkick", "punishments.punish.tempban.*", "statistics.stats.reset", "statistics.stats.server", "*", "votings.immunity.ban", "votings.immunity.kick", "votings.immunity.tempban", "weaponrestrictions.immunity" ], "shownasadmin": false, "needstologin": false }, "default": { "displayname": "Player", "permissions": [ "antiteamkill.forgive", "antiteamkill.tki", "daemon.about", "daemon.admins", "daemon.aliases", "daemon.cointoss", "daemon.commands", "daemon.gametype.get", "daemon.gametype.list", "", "", "", "", "daemon.time", "*", "geoip.location", "", "permissions.token.use", "punishments.score.get", "punishments.score.list", "", "rules.rules", "statistics.stats.session", "", "twofactorauth.login", "", "", "", "*", "", "punishment.punish.kick.*", "punishment.punish.warn.*", "punishment.punish.tempban.*", "punishment.punish.ban.*", "nuke.*" ], "shownasadmin": false, "needstologin": false } }