Already wrote such a plugin for a previous version should be somewhere in the Forums.
Beiträge von Voices
Hey salman,
i think u maybe have one thing you thought wrong about and that is
INTERNET -> Router 1 -> Router 2/Wlan access ?! -> PC and what is if u just make the forwarding on Router 1 instead of ROuter 2 cause ou only have 1 main router which willo result that you can access Router 1 via browser so you are directly connected with Router 1 that mean that you can ignore Router 2 which i guess is only a Switch/Wireless lan access point. I think you only have to forward Router 1 to get a solution. -
Hey there youre forgetting a increasing part of the community is not about cod where gsc scripting isnt possible so we cant include such features in the new ManuAdminMod. Im sorry but this wont make it in the MAM i guess.
Also wenns wirklich am server liegt das es nicht funktioniert, dann kann ich dir nur empfehlen das alternative ban plugin was hier irgendwo rumfliegt zu nutzen, falls du es nicht findest lade ich es hoch.
I would prefer you either talk english or translate it to english cause its unreadable for the support team without translating it via translator ty.
938:23 [31.07.14 19:56:20] Warning: Error kicking player 'XXXXXX' with pb_sv_kick, using clientkick, PID: 6, GUID:XXXXXXX
Wie du vllt. siehst benutzt er clientkick d.H. er kickt die Spieler nur vom Server anstatt ihn zu Bannen. Du solltest in deiner config.cfg usepb auf 0 stellen dann sollte das Problem behoben sein.
This is possible yes but i think we wont develop one for 0.12 or below wiat for MAM 1.0.0 for a RC version and then we can start doing real plugins and one DEV will maybe take a look at it.
You have to bind it in your config under settings->gameoptions->show console yes. Then you can bind it corretly.
That is an actual Bug of IceOps. We will maybe do a workaround for that in a further release.
The only way to workaround this is use your GUID (000000009ef4affd2e1214bb39b30806) and set it to the http://users.cfg/admins.cfg
You have to upload this z_c_r.iwd upload and replace it to your server mod folder and to your fast download.
You have to copy the file also into the fast download and into your mod directory.
You can use the attachement should work. Please post the result.
Can you upload your z_c_r.iwd to let me see if you edited it correctly?
You have to extract the z_c_r.iwd or open it with Winrar or 7zip. In that file is a directory called promod_rulest in that directory is a file called custom_public.gsc in that file you have to set the variable g_logsync to 2.
Hello MMFB,
which Promod Mode do u use? The correct logging only works in the mode custom_public. You have also set g_logsync 1 or 2 in the custom_public.gsc -
Is screen installed ? if not use your package manager and install the screen package.
Kannst du uns mal einen ausschnitt aus der games_mp.log schicken den ich weiß nicht mehr ob das so war das die das Logging geändert haben.
Der fehler drüfte aber in der neuen Version behoben sein.
Das wird es auch standartmäßig.