I cant really say I know what its all for, but this is just guessings, or what I think it is.
antispam = 2 = Guess its so people cant spam messages in chat infinite, but max 4 messages then u have to wait a few seconds before u can spam again.
logrcon = 0 = So it logs the rconcmds people do.
antistartupbug = "restart" = If MAM fails working it restarts.
fixguidrelax = 1 = No idea.
responsefailcmds = 0 = If 0 the bot wont reply when youre doing an cmd wrong, or if doesnt exist, and if its enabled (1) it will msg that theres a fail cmd.
checkforupdates = 1 = Check for manuadminmod updates?
checkinterval = 6 = Not sure
announceinterval = 5 = not sure
serverlist = 1 = Not sure
serverlistip = "" = Not sure
Its a own file on Plugins for "Modstuff", its probably some stuff about it there.
Im not sure about the message thing tho.
The K/M is Kills per Minute.
Hope I cleared up a few things.