Just wait for a stable version of MAM to be realesed
Beiträge von Fuzzz
If you could have just read Documentation ,
Here you go
you better see the tag under profile picture that he is user/devTeam/Management -_-
I am having a really bad and its just getting worse and worse :crying: so never mind my mistakes , i apologize , i am a moron
Belstgut is a staff member, and his post is offical.
ah OK xD
ok found one error why !online didnt worked. already fixed it.
small do it yourself fix:
rest worked for me so far.
Doesn't this violate your tos ?
Let me guess is your server promod ?
So lately i have been working on this project now and i just thought i will share it with you guys,i am going to release this publicly so yeah :), tell if you guys don't like it so that i can stop wasting time on it
Externer Inhalt www.youtube.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne deine Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.also switch to 720p in youtube : :biggrin:
If mirko gives the plugin that would be cool
But what if you decide to remove someones warns ??
Yeah,i need that plugin because after 3 warns the player gets kicked
Hello,how do i make cmd to remove some ones current warnings that are given to him ??
Thanks for help mate really appreciate it
so what can a client do to get rid of black ss ?? i will then try to force those settings on players
hmmmm,but any way to get rid of black ss ??
Hello Guys,whats up,so i was wondering if there any plugin for Antialiasing because so many people have black screenshots.Any help would be appreciated
To be honest there is no clear tutorial showing what files you need and how to install them and where to put those files and how to configure them.
Our servers are running MAM and i want to create a banlist for our stats website. So a php script would be awesome. If not then just tell what exactly do i have to do and i will write php myself
EDIT #1: By a bit research i found that there is logkickbans.php plugin. If someone can give me a download link for that it would be awesome
EDIT #2: Never mind i figured it out