You do get kicks for outdated punkbuster clients.
Beiträge von Dunciboy
Thanks! Worked great! Finally we can tempban on my servers. :w00t:
Of course it works we use this on my server. I fixed this before the new version came out
the problem is, that 1.7a supports cracked and we won't give support for cracked so we don't implemented it
Sadly one day you will have to upgrade because this is currently the only cod4 version that has ipv6 support.
If it doesn't work with 1.7a and with the 1.7 it does, then it's a problem with iceops and we can't do anythink about that
To be honest they made temp banning even better. why should they downgrade it manuadminmod is outdated not the iceops files because i can define with tempban how long the ban takes without having to set tempbantime cvar or whatever that thing was called. So here is a fix. replace player.class.php with my version for 1.7a this also will remove delaying bans due to first announcing them in pm and then banning. player will now be instantly dropped and reason will be displayed in ban message. (the original file is located in the classes folder)WARNING: DO NOT INSTALL IF YOUR SERVER IS NOT RUNNING 1.7a
This is a B3 command it puts a user permanently in the b3 database and assigns them a b3 id
You should make that default
because md5 i can just search md5 decoder enter a password and it takes 1 second to decode the md5 hash :p
Can't you use sha? becuase md5 is easy to decode.
Ok so i created this plugin where can I share this
Not really i just moved a line then made a small edit. see line 47 3 of the original script
now look at line 50 of my script.I made this edit because with original script you would still ban without reason. Due to the fact tempban has time that has to be defined.
Orignal script
Alles anzeigenpublic function tempBan($guid, $parameters) { $parastring = implode(" ",$parameters); if (strpos($parastring, "\\") !== false) { list($player, $parameters) = explode("\\", $parastring); $player = trim($player); $parameters = array(trim($parameters)); } else { $player = array_shift($parameters); } $tokick = $this->mod->findPlayerGuid($player); if (!$tokick) { $this->players[$guid]->say($this->mod->getLngString("playerNotFound", array("<SEARCH>"), array($player))); } else { //Check if there is enough power if($this->players[$tokick]->getNeededPower() > $this->players[$guid]->getPower()){ $this->players[$guid]->say($this->mod->getLngString("morePowerNeeded")); return false; } if ($this->players[$tokick]->isProtected()) { $this->players[$guid]->say($this->mod->getLngString("cantKickProtected")); return false; } if (!empty($parameters)) { if (is_numeric($parameters[0]) && $parameters[0] > 0) { $time = array_shift($parameters); if ($time > $this->mod->getCV("kickban", "maxtempbantime")) { $time = $this->mod->getCV("kickban", "maxtempbantime"); } } else { $time = false; } if (!empty($parameters)) { $reason = implode(" ", $parameters); $this->mod->findReason($reason); } else { if($this->mod->getCV("kickban", "forcereason")){ $this->players[$guid]->say($this->mod->getLngString("forceReason")); return false; } $reason = false; } } else { $reason = false; $time = false; } if ($this->players[$tokick]->tempBan($reason, $time, $guid)) { if (!$this->mod->getCV("kickban", "announce")) { $this->players[$guid]->say($this->mod->getLngString("playerTempBanned", array("<PLAYER>"), array($this->players[$tokick]->getName()))); } } else { $this->players[$guid]->say($this->mod->getLngString("anyError")); } } }
Yes and this fixes the bug. its no longer possible to tempban without reason with my edit.
Even though my stats.sqlite3 actually exists and isn't wiped at all it still has all the names in it etc. i keep seeing the message "No Stats DB found, start creating ..." in my logs when the statics.php loads up.
Although nothing gets removed and everything is being saved fine.
Basicly [kickban] allows you to turn forcereasontoban on 1 and you are forced to put a reason in your ban with the current tempban function it doesn't work. Nobody read there configs here?
It doesn't work for a temporary ban
Alles anzeigenpublic function tempBan($guid, $parameters) { $parastring = implode(" ",$parameters); if (strpos($parastring, "\\") !== false) { list($player, $parameters) = explode("\\", $parastring); $player = trim($player); $parameters = array(trim($parameters)); } else { $player = array_shift($parameters); } $tokick = $this->mod->findPlayerGuid($player); if (!$tokick) { $this->players[$guid]->say($this->mod->getLngString("playerNotFound", array("<SEARCH>"), array($player))); } else { //Check if there is enough power if($this->players[$tokick]->getNeededPower() > $this->players[$guid]->getPower()){ $this->players[$guid]->say($this->mod->getLngString("morePowerNeeded")); return false; } if ($this->players[$tokick]->isProtected()) { $this->players[$guid]->say($this->mod->getLngString("cantKickProtected")); return false; } if (!empty($parameters)) { if (is_numeric($parameters[0]) && $parameters[0] > 0) { $time = array_shift($parameters); if ($time > $this->mod->getCV("kickban", "maxtempbantime")) { $time = $this->mod->getCV("kickban", "maxtempbantime"); } } else { $time = false; } if (!empty($parameters)) { $reason = implode(" ", $parameters); $this->mod->findReason($reason); } else { $reason = false; } } else { $reason = false; $time = false; } if($this->mod->getCV("kickban", "forcereason") && !$reason){ $this->players[$guid]->say($this->mod->getLngString("forceReason")); return false; } if ($this->players[$tokick]->tempBan($reason, $time, $guid)) { if (!$this->mod->getCV("kickban", "announce")) { $this->players[$guid]->say($this->mod->getLngString("playerTempBanned", array("<PLAYER>"), array($this->players[$tokick]->getName()))); } } else { $this->players[$guid]->say($this->mod->getLngString("anyError")); } } }
I've only 1 idea:
change Line 629 to
if ($result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)[0] == 0) {
that was the first version which I used for testing and which worked for me. JaJe had problems with this line so I changed it to the actual line.
This works. -
Get ip show your own ip instead of the ip of the users you are requesting it off.
Manually fix:
$ip = $this->players[$guid]->getIP();change the $guid to $player.
Remove banip.php because it won't work anymore. As sqlite uses pdo and that plugin is outdated.
Now all of a sudden this happen when i load manu.
root@*hidden*:/*hiden*/cod4/manumod# ./ debu g
ManuAdminMod v0.12 Beta Copyright(C) 2008-2014 Manuel Kress
This program comes free of charge and with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
Visit if you have any trouble.[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: ==========================================
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: Manu-Admin-Mod v0.12 Beta is starting...
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: ==========================================
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: !! Please wait until the mod is completely initial ised
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: Config loaded: config.cfg
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: Config loaded: maps.cfg
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: Config loaded: admins.cfg
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: Config loaded: groups.cfg
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: Config loaded: reasons.cfg
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: Language files loaded: en
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: All config files were parsed
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: RCON connection established (
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: Game detected: Call of Duty 4
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: Dvar check successful
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: Synced playerlist with 'status' (5 players online)
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: Updated Dvar g_gametype
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: Updated teamnames ( vs. )
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: Sets Dvar _manuadminmod to '0.12 Beta'
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: == Loading plugins and commands ==
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading mapvote.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading scream.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading restore.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading baniprange.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading punkbuster.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Warning: Punkbuster: PB is disabled on this server (sv_punkb uster = 0), please enable it before using this plugin
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading basiccommands.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading antiteamkiller.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading reset.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading voting.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading guidchecks.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading customcommands.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading weaponrestrictions.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading funmessages.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading geoip.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading pingkicker.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading banner.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading randommapcycle.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading spreemessages.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading permissionstest.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading nameprotection.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading warns.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading clientcmd.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading badwords.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading chatlog.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading deferredJobs.php
[04.02.14 22:39:35] Notice: - Loading statistics.phpNow it just quits and does nothing. removing statics.php solves it.
I'd like to see banip plugin to ban people by ip. I had one before but i can't use it anymore since pdo is being used for sqlite.
The first one already exist the second one haven't seen it yet but somebody with knowledge can easily make this.
I'm already happy its being updated now