Try downloading php from this site
Beiträge von Azad69
@Voices Thanks for making this plugin....but it is sad that its not working ......can you see whats wrong??? :sad:
I need a firstkill plugin that will show who was killed by whom with what weapon
I know this plugin is possible to please can someone write it for me? It'll be a great help thanx :smile:
but what about using a router...?? Is there any solution or not?
Hi, I have 3 pc in my home 2 of the pc have separate internet connection...So for the 3rd pc I wanted to use a router...But admin_valid doesn't work if you use a router..Any solutions ? :sad:
And there is more......When you use admin_valid plugin...All of the information in admins.cfg is deleted...When some admin runs (authenticate.bat) his guid ID is save in admins.cfg temporarily..if he joins the sever and leave the info in admins.cfg is deleted...... So the prob is I cant add players which clan they are in the groups and cant also add V.I.P players etc etc...because why? I cant give admin_valid_client_1_0 every one :tired:
I think if ..........
[123456789012345678901234567890ab] < This here manuadmin recognize the admin by reading ip besides of guid ID
group = "master"
names = "killer"
protected = 1Like.............
[270.128.316.15] <ip besides of guid ID
group = "master"
names = "killer"
protected = 1^^^Can this be done by writing a plugin for it?? If possible please i need it desperately......
Thanks for your help means a lot
Help............Do I need to beg for help now? Because no one is helping :crying:
Anyone ?? Is this too much to ask? come on :question:
please....its worth it and it would be great for making COD S&D server more popular... Help Please :sad:
In team death for all...headquarters..the killing spreemessages (Killstreak) is oky but not in search and destroy why? hear me out In S&D there is many rounds lmanuadminmod counts the players killing score each individually in each round...I mean if some one kills 5 players that= a Killstreak if he lived the round then in the next round if he kills 2 more players that should be count as a Killstreak 7 kills without a death but manuadminmod doesn't count that.IF someone kills 2 players in one round and live to kill 3 more players in the next round that should be count as a Killstreak 5 kills but the problem is manuadminmod counts the players killing score each individually in each round..It is possible because I've seen it b3 server.....manuadminmod also can do it just need some modifications or a new plugin that's guys please help.... :heart:
Thanks a lot :grin:
PHP: Version 5.2.0 or higher
PHP-Extensions: pdo_sqlite, mysql, sockets -
Open mam.cfg with wordPad
define the path to config folder and PHP in mam.cfg
my cod4 config.cfg is in E:\adminmod\configs\cod4 folder I've added the path in mam.cfg CFGDIR="E:\adminmod\configs\cod4" don't add config.cfg just define the folder it is in
and my php files are in a folder named php in my E drive so I've added the path in mam.cfg PHP="E:\php\php.exe" -
Oyessssss working now thanks man... :grin:
by the way can you help me on this matter MAM TIME FORMAT
does anybody know? just want to make the time 12 hour....Manuadminmod shows 24 hour time format
look at this.....It shows 24 hour time format but I want 12 hour time format:- -
Please help why no reply? This plugin is the most important plugin of all without it I can launch my cod4 server.
Error when loading please have a look:
if you added the code correctly in config.cfg...and put the complaint.php in adminmod\plugins folder there should be no problem...just so simple way to install...why should you have error? :pinch:
juni please post it in a new thread
any solutions ? Master of Little
Mirko911 please man don't stop you have great talent, sorry for what happened..Past is past let it go and please keep moving forward ....
works with (ManuAdminMod 0.11.5 beta) or higher (ManuAdminMod 0.12 Beta)