Emkii can you please contact me on xfire...would require some help with your banip plugin...my xfire is puffy2411
Beiträge von Puffy
Thank you for the answer...best regards
Actually this is not bad idea. Thank you very much...but i hope that with time will come some plugin
EDIT: is it possible to arrange this B3 plugin for MAM? -
Is there a cmd or something that i can write in config.cfg to stop spaming to let's say player have binded word Help!! pls!!......and after 3rd time player would get warning...or kick?
Well i have RotU mod..and lately people use macro...so i was wondering is there maybe something that can detect unusual weapons fire and kick the player?
Hello, first of all all the best in 2014 year, you have done amazing work with MAM, i have a question is there any way to make plugin for MAM to detect binds for weapons fire?
Well i have try with open the "big " console with shift+^ but with no result,i have to use the rcon status for all players to be shown, everyone have different GUID.....but when i type this in MAM it shows only around 10 players
Hello guys, i have a litlle problem,when there are on server around 15 or more people and i type !pl cmd, MAM just show list around 10 players, can this be fixed?
thanks, but is there any way that i can have ban list shown on my webpage,i mean forum?
Hy guys can you explain to me how to 4. mySQl-Tabelle inportieren // import mySQL-Database from Kicks & Bans auf Website anzeigen / Kicks & Bans on website 2.1 section? how do i create database,sorry im new in that so i dont quite understand this,i would accuire you help,please
Hi guys, some links are not working so im writing here for help, i have cod 4 zombie server with manuadmin mod, and how to set up when i ban player that would be visible in my webpage like : player guid time reason admin who banned? I would appreciated your help in this,thanks