Thank you Dennis ,could you explain how i symlink them to share the banlist please.
Beiträge von wattz
Hi All ,wondered if someone could help me please , i currently have 8 servers running and 8 instances of MAM ,one for each server is there anyway i can run MAM from one installation for all 8 servers by making a new .bat and directing it to a new config file ? as when i ban a player on one server he can currently hop onto my next server and continue cheating ,would the below code work in a new .bat to run mam more than once in the same instance ?
The answers can be found here…4-Installation/ ,i am currently using the 0.12 beta download that defiantly works for mw2 ,i haven't tested the newer ones yet so i am not sure if they are working with it ,but if you follow the instructions from the link above and generally read the forum for issues you get stuck on it is very easy to set up
hmmm so if someone spoofs a admins guid they can take over manu admin ?
Ok i have done that now all i get in the console is
*edit ok i have download another copy of php and put it on the c: drive and it has started but now i get this and it loops
*edit 2 (lol) ok i found it was to do with needing sv logdamage 1 in my cfg
i have it all set up and working ty for your help
@echo off
:1 C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v5.4 -f daemon.php -- -configdir "config" -logdir "log"
goto 1 -
Hello i have a problem with installation
, i have set up manu admin for mw2 and in the .bat u have directed it to the php location but i get nothing but a blank screen when i start manu admin
Hi All , just had a quick question if i may ,im looking for a alternative to B3 bot as i have had trouble recently with a exploiter hacking b3 and banning people ,i have come across manu admin on the net and was wondering is it more secure than B3 Bot ?