add !mute and !unmute command to the admin to forbid someone from typing in the chat.
and chat name perfix like <admin>Greg: chat message.
so you can decide what group will get name perfix in chat and what group won't
thank you
Beiträge von fixtura
well I've called u by skype and visited your cod4 server and didn't find you there....there is another better & safe & working solution'......use this plugin it will help you fix your prob…ght=admin+valid
thank you already solved the issue -
sorry but I need teamviewer to help you
add me on skype andw e'll use teamviewer too -.-= -
:confused: I can help you by teamviewer if you it in your pc....if not then download and then install it...Pm me the ID and pass ok?
have skype?add me on skype: fixtura
oky try this..I have added your id it
added and restarted the server.. doesn't work -
yes it is. you can join my server and even check it..
my nick is greg currently -
used your admin config generator, and still it welcomes me as a player, and no admin commands working..
; This file will be overwritten by the mod automatically
; Do not make any comments inhere
; Use the generator to generate a valid file:[11b044c8c5123406f1b8f7f55d2ef6fd]
group = "master"
protected = 1
names = "Greg"this is what i got, what's the problem?
any readme or an explanation bout the mod? please?