thank u so so so much sir nw it's finally working thnx a lot sir
Beiträge von aman00
evn i donno that i followed each and every step properly but still facing that prob, i thought you might have solution for that error. m helpless nw
what to check in config??? i added this to my config already
enabled = 1nw wat else to do in config.cfg??
yea i added that to config.cfg and replaced my complaint file with yours still facing that prob :(( here's da link pls check it n tell me what's the prob. and i added comp to group also.
yea i did that but still coming that error...
hey i followed the step but i'm getting some problem when i type !comp then error comes [Pm:help for command !comp not found]. pls help me i did every steps and correctly but it's not working helpp
sorry for trouble i got my solution one of the hacker stole my friends guid and when i banned him i din't know about it, then i went to banlist and checked the guid which was totally matching with my friend's guid. nw my friend is unban the only problem remains for that hacker what if he comes again and do the same thing and i hate that guy anyway thnx
hey one of my clan member is perm banned from my server and he can't rejoin the server. i checked the ban list but he's name is not even there even his guid and i'm so helpless right now plssssssssss someone tell me how to remove him form banned thingy??? and i never banned him. plsssss somone help me :confused: :confused: :confused:
thanx for the da help n i'll try that
so all i have to remove my rcon password then it's gonna work fine???
how mam gonna work if i delete my rcon password and what do you mean by upload server.cfg could you be please lil bit more specific about it??? and replyy pls any suggestion?
whenever i create a server and run mam my game score is not working properly, the game get finish at anytime, at whatever score sometimes like score in 6-6, 7-4 etc. even though i made my score limit to 12 still facing with this prob.... any help would b nice
thank you for your answer, but this is really sad to hear about it
if there's any other option to make it work pls do tell me
hey i want to change something like when a welcome msg comes in a server, then it comes like this CONSOLE:"msg". can i change that CONSOLE name and instead of that can i put my clan name. is it possible to do that, if its yes pls help me with that thing
hello everyone now i''m facing a problem with my ip address when i open start.bat it's shows that [Error recon connection is not valid ip+port check in config] problem, before it was working perfectly fine even my server was running online but from today this problem has started and i've entered the right ip and port in config. my internal ip showing the same as before, i've checked that on my connection panel and internet is also working fine . but when i check my ip online in google it shows totally different. i tried to change the ip in config file which was shown in online but the problems remain same. i don't knw what's happening. pls anyone can help me??? :sad: :sad: :sad:
thnx a lot it finally worked. thnx for your help
hey i tried your every steps created password and edited in tcp_user.db also, but after connecting in tcp-console it says [dn't find this guid] n when i put user and created password it shows nothing. what's the problem??
sorry but i got lil bit confused here. what to type inside input box??? do i have to write my name or i can write anything??? and in tcp_user.db instead of player i have to write my name and what about group???
how to create tcp console username and password, i can connect to the server but i don't have username and password. pls someone help me. i tried this link but it's not working
any1 who knw abt this issue pls reply me.. and y no one is replying??