1 Short description
With this plugin, you can configure your own messages, which are sent to the chat in a specific interval. Furthermore messages can be shown at specific times/days.
2 Configurationoverview
JavaScript: configs/plugins/automessages.json
"automessages": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": 120,
"logging": true,
"messages": [
"^5This Server is running ^4GSManager <VERSION>^5, visit our Website at: ^4www.GSManager.de",
"^5The next Map is: ^4<NEXT_MAP> ^5(^4<NEXT_GAMETYPE>^5){{br}}^5Die nächste Karte ist: ^4<NEXT_MAP> ^5(^4<NEXT_GAMETYPE>^5)"
"cron": [
["0 0 * * *", "^5Mitternacht!{{br}}^5Midnight!"]
Alles anzeigen
3 Detailed configurationvariables
The configurationfile of the "automessages" function is located in the configs/plugins directory and is named banner.json. An explanation of the variables follows:
Variable | Allowed Values | Description |
enabled | truefalse | You can (de)active the plugin with this variable. |
interval | number | This variable defines the interval between two sent messages in seconds. |
logging | truefalse | This variable defines if the automessages should be logged in the daemon.log |
messages | Text | This variable defines the messages, which should be send to the chat. |
cron | Array with arrays of two strings each | First entry of each array is a unix cron time string, second is the message. |
You can use the following placeholders in your messages:
Platzhalter | Beschreibung |
{{br}} | Will be replaced with a wordwrap. |
<NEXTMAP> | Will be replaced with the next map. |
<NEXTGT> | Will be replaced with the next gametype. |
<VERSION> | Will be replaced with the current running GSManager |
<TIME_DE> | Will be replaced with the time in german time format. |
<TIME_EN> | Will be replaced with the time in english time format. |
<DATE> | Will be replaced with the date in form date time month year (01 Oct 2014). |
<MAP> | Will be replaced with the current running map. |
Using color codes is possible.