You can find any configuration settings for the [lexicon]balancer[/lexicon] in the configuration file (config/[lexicon]balancer[/lexicon].json): [list=1][/list][code=js]{ "balancer": { "enabled": true, "automatic": true, "forcemove": true, "interval": 30, "maxdifference": 1, "protectsquads": true } }[/code] [tt]enabled[/tt]: Should the GSManager use the [lexicon]balancer[/lexicon], set this value to [tt]true[/tt], if not, set it to [tt]false[/tt]. [tt]automatic[/tt]: The automode will be activated, when you must set to [tt]true[/tt], if not, set to [tt]false[/tt]. [tt]forcemove[/tt]: If set to [tt]true[/tt] the player will be moved directly, if set to [tt]false[/tt], he will be moved in the Deathtime. [tt]interval[/tt]: The time between teambalance check. [tt]maxdifference[/tt]: The maximum team difference allowed. [tt]protectsquads[/tt]: If set to [tt]true[/tt], only players without a squad will be priorised for the balancing. [table] [tr] [td][b][u]Variable[/u][/b][/td] [td][b][u]Allowed Values[/u][/b][/td] [td][b][u]Description[/u][/b][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][tt]enabled[/tt][/td] [td][tt]true[/tt][tt]false[/tt][/td] [td]Should the GSManager use the [lexicon]balancer[/lexicon], set to [tt]true[/tt], if not, set to [tt]false[/tt].[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][tt]automatic[/tt][/td] [td][tt]true[/tt][tt]false[/tt][/td] [td]The automode will be activated, when you must set to [tt]true[/tt], if not, set to [tt]false[/tt].[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][tt]forcemove[/tt][/td] [td][tt]true[/tt][tt]false[/tt][/td] [td]If set to [tt]true[/tt] the player will be moved directly, if set to [tt]false[/tt], he will be moved in the Deathtime.[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][tt]interval[/tt][/td] [td][/td] [td]The time between teambalance check.[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][tt]maxdifference[/tt][/td] [td][/td] [td]The maximum team difference allowed.[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][tt]protectsquads[/tt][/td] [td][tt]true[/tt][tt]false[/tt][/td] [td]If set to [tt]true[/tt], only players without a squad will be priorised for the balancing. (In preperation)[/td] [/tr] [/table]
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